Chapter 2- Watching

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That night, Melvin spent a plentiful amount of time talking to the person from Tumblr, getting to know small facts about them and at one point, even complimenting the songs that the person had released, earning a thank you in return.

Melvin awoke that morning feeling refreshed and happy. He had possibly just made a new friend, and he was excited about it.

He was so excited, in fact, that he even told Ava and Jessica about the interesting person he had just met.

"I made a new friend on Tumblr last night."

"Oooohh do tell us more!" Ava giggled as she nudged Melvin.

"Well, he's a guy. He says he's called Lachlan, and he loves making music. I listened to a few of his songs actually. He's so good!"

"Oooh exciting!" Ava laughed once more.

"I think it's good that you're making new friends, even if they are online." Jessica spoke calmly.

"Yeah. I'm happy too." Melvin nodded as the three of them entered their tutor classroom.

Inside, there were a mixture of people. Some were quietly revising for their A-Levels and others were chatting away to each other, eagerly planning their weekends. It wasn't unusual for them to go out drinking on the weekend, as they were all 18 and it was legal. Though, spending Friday and possibly Saturday night drinking never interested Jessica and Ava, nor Melvin, but he did have the occasional light alcoholic drink at home with his mother, as a treat.

Taking their seats, Melvin, Ava and Jessica all sat together as they pulled their phones out, quickly checking their social medias before the teacher, Mr Wilson, walked in and told them to switch them off and put them away out of sight.

Melvin subconsciously clicked onto Lachlan's Tumblr profile, scrolling through his page to see if there were any new posts. There weren't, but there was one unread message from him.

Melvin smiled as he read it.

'Hope you have a good day at school! Looking forward to talking again! :)'

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