28| rekindle

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28| rekindle

It was cold out. Seren was bundled in almost all of her outerwear, and still her nose and cheeks were a rosy red from the cold. They stood high above, waiting for the game to start. She leaned against the barring, waving at Stella who was down below practicing. The whole group came to watch today, and for once she enjoyed them all being together again. Benjamin and Abraxas had made a banner for them all, with a snake that actually slithered away. It was their last game against Ravenclaw, and this would decide which team went on.

The difference from this game to the last she had gone to was quite big. The last time, she was wondering who the Ravenclaw boy was that she never paid attention to. And now she was hoping he'd at least glance at her once. She felt a bit obsessive, not being over the boy yet but part of was guilt. It probably made her look worse having Tom right next to her, not looking an ounce bit guilty from what he had done. She scooted closer to Florence, an attempt to make conversation with her instead.

"Tomorrow we go to Hogsmeade," Florence stated, cheering loudly as the teams flew up into positions. "Will you be going with us?" She asked, Seren was focused on Stella, wishing her the best of luck mentally. Abraxas pulled the banner over the railing, him and Lucas cheering loudly for their team.

"I think so," Seren shrugged, "I'm not sure if I even want to go though. It's too cold to be walking around."

"You're not even interested in Honeydukes?" Winona chimed in, leaning between Florence to get closer. Seren only shook her head, "I'm tired of sweets. They hurt my teeth."

"Go Liam!" Seren shouted happily, cheering like her life depended on it. He smiled from below as he scored already. It was hard not to glance at William every now and then in hopes that he'd be looking too. She knew that was highly unlikely considering he was in the middle of a game, but she liked to think it was possible. It was hard to ignore Tom's presence next to her, his shoulder would barely brush against hers and she'd flinch. It was difficult to finish the game, she wanted to stay for them all but she really just preferred to stay in her bed.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Tom asked, leaning toward her. It was clear he was bored watching the game. She looked to him, face emotionless, "Do you think I'm a dog or something?" He was silent, jaw clenching as he turned back to the game. He didn't mean it that way. He meant, did she want to walk with me? His knuckles paled holding the railing in front of them. Without a word, he turned away, leaving the row without turning back to them.

"I think he just wanted you to join him," Florence had said. He had barely left but Seren didn't even bat an eye, trying to force all her focus on the game so she didn't look his way. She stayed silent, watching Stella in front of them. Why should she be the one to go after him? He never went after her when she was mad. She didn't say anything, turning around and leaving where she sat. He hadn't made it far, barely in the closest corridor to where they were. She had to rush to reach him before she were to lose sight of him. Her footsteps were quiet, he didn't hear her coming behind him until her hand wrapped around his elbow, lacing her arm with his. He looked down at their joined parts, he covered her grasp with his hand and led the way.

There was no talking, neither one really knowing what to say. Yes, Tom was starting to realize where he might've went wrong. He threatened her and did it multiple times but she just angered him so much. How could she just brush him off so easily? Didn't she consider his feelings when she'd do such things? He was working on being a little better, it took a lot of strength but he really was trying.

They were in the courtyard, she went to a tree, taking a seat with her legs pulled to the side, he sat in front of her, their cloaks covering their legs. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a box and showing it to her, "Would you like some?"

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