39 | his fault or not

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39 | his fault or not

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39 | his fault or not

[a/n story will take place during the future in Deathly Hallows, both getting trapped in the parallel]

Her eyes locked on a pair of chocolate ones. The element of surprise was simmering but it was still there, in disbelief. His cold hand touched her back as she scrambled to sit facing him. Without thinking, her arms flew around his neck pulling him into her and he awkwardly hugged back caught off guard. Lately it feels like he's been the one to want to be closer to Seren but right now she needed him. Right?

"Tom," she squeeze her eyes shut. Tom's hand caressed her back trying to soothe her shaking form. He had been running straight to Hogwarts in hopes of understanding what was going on. He wanted to find her, but he didn't think he would. Now that he has, all these questions swarmed his mind but at the moment he's forcing them down. He'll hear her out first. Seren had in fact distanced herself from him and he understood why even if he didn't like it. She was experiencing this strange parallel on her own and he was the villain. But he wasn't that Voldemort yet, the one after Harry Potter. He knows it's him but he's different.

She put space between them and yet here she was, still going to him for comfort and he gave it. After a couple minutes she was moving away, her eyes studying him as if he wasn't really hear. With a deep breath she spoke, "How are you here right now?"

"I don't know," he said honestly, "I don't know why but this isn't the first time. Tell me, is this what troubles you? All of this?"

She didn't say anything for a moment, merely nodding her head making him huff. He wanted her to just talk to him, confide in him like she used to. He used to think he didn't care for it, that he only listened because he needed her to trust him. Right now he doesn't need to fool himself with that lie. Seren bit her lip nervously, "But how are we both here right now? Won't someone notice?"

"I'm not sure," Tom sighed. He really didn't. It feels like every time he falls asleep or zoned out he's dragged back into a different series of events. Like he was running through the timeline faster, like time here wasn't the same.

"Why were you running away?" He asked as the two sat down more comfortably. Their words were rushed, startled almost from whatever was happening at Hogwarts. He could hear the destruction being done to the school and that meant something bad was happening.

"I... I saw something," she told him unsure of her words. How is she supposed to tell him that he, Voldemort, orchestrated Severus Snape's death? Shaking her head at the thought she decided to just be honest with him. He was here for a reason, just as she was, so she needed to trust him for the moment until she understood why.

"Voldemort killed a man right in front of me. I was trying to see what was going on and it just happened. It had something to do with a powerful wand."

"The Elder Wand?" Tom asked, a part of him jumped in excitement, the other shut it down. Seren nodded hesitantly, "But it's not working properly for Voldemort."

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