29| cold touch

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29| cold touch

To say Seren was worried was definitely an understatement. She wondered if he was okay, or if just wasn't feeling well anymore. He wasn't at dinner yesterday, or breakfast today. He wasn't even interested in going to Hogsmeade. He usually went, an attempt to get a change of pace but he didn't come this time. Not even Abraxas or Benjamin knew what was wrong. Benjamin would sneak him food but he never got much of a response from him. It was a question that was in everyone's head. What was wrong with Tom?

Seren had her arm laced with Florence's, letting her drag her around to whatever store the girl wanted to go to. They were currently in Honeydukes, Winona and Stella arguing over whatever flavor candy they thought was the best. A small smile appeared on her lips. The look on Tom's face as he ate the earwax flavored jellybean. She wanted to pretend like she didn't enjoy seeing him smile, or laugh with his full chest to the point where he couldn't breathe. Or that she didn't like the way the corners of his eyes crinkled due to the sour taste of the lemon flavored ones.

Actually she completely hated it. The way her mind couldn't make up on how she was feeling about him was throwing her for a loop. She kept telling herself, he's not a good guy Seren remember that. She had to remind himself the awful things he's done already, and the things he's going to do. Seren couldn't understand how she could do anything to stop it. Or why on Earth she could see it all, as if she was something special to the story. Why couldn't things just be explained to her? Help her see what direction to take things in.

"What are you thinking about?" Winona asked, playing with the edge of her scarf, looking to Seren with a quirked brow. Seren didn't say anything, shaking her head and looking out the window, "Nothing." The others looked to her, clearly not believing it, but it was Stella who decided to push further, "Clearly it's something. What is it."

"Slughorn's dinner tomorrow."

It was a bit strange actually, sitting in the office with the others. Abraxas was asking her about their dinner, if she liked what was served or if it had gotten cold. Slughorn was in deep conversation with Tom. Seren didn't look up from Abraxas, especially not when William was sitting directly in front of her. He was too busy talking with Lennon also, she could hear bits and pieces of their conversation here and there. Surprisingly, Tom sat next to her. He hadn't muttered so much as a hello to her in the past few days, yet he took his usual seat next to her. As a matter of fact he hadn't spoken to her since the jellybeans. She felt a bit indifferent at the thought of wanting to speak to him.

Usually she'd be praying she could avoid him, yet here she was worried because he wouldn't even look at her. It seemed like everyone else noticed too, Abraxas didn't mind the space between the two and was slowly speaking to her more. Lucas was quiet as usual as he ate, barely tuning in to whatever Slughorn was saying only when it was directed at him. Really the only person she had to talk to was Abraxas and seeing as she hated uncomfortable silence she'd fill it with his help.

"Stop," she whispered, half smiling as Abraxas spoke quietly about the piece of lettuce caught on Slughorn's round midsection. He was struggling to hold his laughter in, looking to Lucas in an attempt at not getting caught. She looked down at the food, tempted to speak up so he wouldn't feel further embarrassed that nobody had said anything. She waited to catch his stare, slightly nodding down at the piece of food. Their Professor instinctively rubbed at his belly, throwing it off before carrying conversation.

"I feel like we haven't met in so long," Slughorn cleared his throat, "I meant to host a dinner right after but things got a bit busy I hope you all understand."

It wasn't too far off from their break still, not even a full month yet but it seem so far away. He looked around the room eyes landing on Abraxas, "Mr. Malfoy, your family hosted their yearly Christmas Ball I suppose?" The others looked at the blonde, staring in half awe at the thought of a dance of that sort.

Abraxas smiled proudly, "Yes Professor, beautiful night full of snow and friends."

"And how was the stay at the Lestranges? Seren I do apologize for missing dinner on the 21st," he directed his attention toward her, "An unfortunate mishap involving some butter." It had completely slipped her mind that the Professor had been invited before Christmas. There was a big dinner with the families and the Professor was invited in regards of speaking about the education of their children and how well behaved they had been. She gave him a polite smile, "No worries Professor there'll surely be another time for that."

"Fletcher, where is you had gone during break?" Slughorn asked. The attention drew toward the Ravenclaw. His eyes snapped upward, unexpectedly catching Seren's stare before shifting them back down, "France sir, we stayed at our country home for the time." 

"France?" Slughorn pursed his lips, "I hadn't been in such long time, maybe it is time I pay a visit?" He sunk into his chair, deep in his own mind which was typical of the Professor, "Though the last time I had visited I had a wonderful stay with the Rosiers and Lestrange for some time. I've taught them all you know?"

He looked around more specifically and the pureblood students, "It typically stays between families, which House they're sorted in that is," he leaned forward pointing to the students, "The Rosier, Nott's, Lestrange's, Malfoy's... not always though, ever heard of Erilyn Avery, poor girl was in Hufflepuff," his eyes snapped to Lennon, "Not that there's anything wrong with Hufflepuff!"

"Shame though," the old man let out a sigh, "she was a talented girl, I got her sister, Elijah's mother, but I'd like to have a set."

Seren felt her tablecloth slip from her hand, slowly landing on her lap. She didn't bother reaching for it staring at their Professor like he had grown a second head. It felt like history was repeating. Though in retrospect, this was the history that would be repeated in the future, though it wouldn't be over dinner but in the presence of Harry Potter. And it wouldn't be about the Avery's but instead the Blacks. Sirius and Regulus Black. Sons of either Walburga or Cygnus, she couldn't quite tell yet.

But it did make her a bit curious, their hair color had always been extremely familiar. Dark hair of curls, reminding her of the new Bellatrix Lestrange. It made her wonder about Randolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, clearly descendants from her family line yet married to Bellatrix. Bellatrix very similar to the Black's genetic code who married into the Lestrange family could very well be Bellatrix Black. Possibly the daughter of Walburga, though she doubted that because Walburga despised the thought of a daughter. Maybe Cygnus?

She hadn't noticed at first, the way her hand was up like she was still holding the napkin. It wasn't until it was placed back in her hand that she picked up on her own actions. She looked to Tom, who hadn't spared a glance at her. He'd reached down for it and had placed it to her outstretched hand. She looked to him again, and again and again, wishing something would change. Maybe they had been all vicious dreams of him that were only true in her head. Maybe he wasn't evil. But she couldn't even make herself believe that. Not after seeing William's scar all because of Tom.

Seren didn't think much about the action, curious to see if that'd make him react or if he was finally turning into the fully stone cold killer he would soon be. Her hand reached under the table for his, it lay on his lap. His hand was warm to the touch, large contrast to her cold ones. His fingers twitched at the coldness, eyes threatening to shift down or maybe even turn her hand. Had she been cold? Tom wouldn't be surprised considering the girl was always shivering. His jaw tensed, thinking about her grasp on his hand and the effect it had on his mind. He lifted his hand, pushing her off and setting it down on the table. He pretended to be deep into whatever the Professor was saying but he allowed himself to look at her from the corner of his eyes. He watched as her brows furrowed, the same hand that had been touching his coming up to run her fingers through her hair.

He would never be weak for Seren Lestrange. No matter what certain professors had to say, he was better than what they had to say, and soon he'd show his true potential despite his upbringing.


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