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46 | back to normal

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46 | back to normal

        For as long as Tom could remember, he spent his time at Hogwarts planning the future. He knew he would make Seren marry him. He knew he would create Deatheaters. He knew he was going to be the villain and it wasn't until this school year that he realized how little he actually wanted that future for himself. You ta strange how all it took was the thought of losing Seren and having no control over it being what changed his mind. After all these years trying to convince himself that what he felt for her was false and that he would never learn how to love anything properly all went out the window when Seren began to experience never before seen things about him, about Lord Voldemort.

It caused a drift between the two and for a while he wanted to hate her the way she hated him but he didn't we never able to. Even when he spent his nights alone in bed paranoid about what she saw... what he would do to her... just one look and his walls were crashing when he didn't want them to. That strange night at the Battle of Hogwarts where he was as finally able to see what he had become or what he would be in the future, he realized ho mistaken he had been. Being alone and being feared was not something he wanted.

He spent too many years of his childhood alone, he was the odd one out at the orphanage, he was the one nobody wanted to talk to and yet when he came to Hogwarts... He met Benjamin and the others, and Seren, and suddenly he had people on his side. He's still unsure if it's all for the right reasons or how things would unfold now that he wants to be better but he's decided that as long as Seren could forgive him, he could forgive himself.

"Tom," Benjamin's voice called out to him from the crowded halls of the great school. Tom has rushed out of his last class in search of Dumbledore who has been attempting to help him handle the horcruxes he had been successful in producing. He hasn't told Seren yet, he doesn't know what she would say and he doesn't want to disappoint her any more than he already has.

He looked back at his friend, "Yes?"

Benjamin joined his side, pushing past some first years as they walked down the spiraled staircases, "I know you said we would stop having meetings and I didn't think doubt you've made the right decision but I guess... I am just confused as to why that is? Why did you suddenly decide we didn't need them anymore?"

"Seren did not approve of the way things were going," Tom said trying to be as truthful as possible. Benjamin released a small chuckle, "Had she ever? That never stopped you."

Tom turned to look at him, gaze hardening as he said, "I've made my decision Benjamin and if you don't like it or agree then you can go and start handling things on your own. I'm sure your uncle would happily lead you down the right way but I—as of now and possibly for the rest of the time being—am done with all this mess."


"Have you seen your cousin?" Tom asked, softening his tone, "She's run off and I would like to see her because my appointment."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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