33| he who sees

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33| he who sees

It wasn't the black smoke covering the air or even the sensation of floating above the ground that had him jolting awake. It was the very clear and loud sound of Professor Dumbledore's shouting through his ears. He found himself lying on cold cement instead of his bed. There was a chill that ran through his body at the thought of their Professor being in n his bedroom. But instead, what he opened his eyes to had him scurrying onto his feet. Finding he was in his sleeping pants and a t-shirt. He recognized where he was, he'd only been to the tower a couple times mostly accompanied by Seren.

"Excuse me," he called out to the person in front of him

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"Excuse me," he called out to the person in front of him. It was dark, but he was in the presence of another. He rubbed at his tired eyes growing annoyed rather quickly as the boy ignored him. "Hey!" He lifted his hand, nudging him, surprised to see his hand go right through. He moved forward, staring the boy directly yet it was like he wasn't even there. The boy wore glasses, hair a tangled mess and red scar on his face. His hand came down on the railing, looking above. Tom was surprised to see Dumbledore, motioning for the boy to stop. They stood back, the boy's wand at ready and Tom didn't understand why.

He jolted to the side at the sound of a door being burst open, "Expelliarmus!" Tom didn't care to pay attention to the boy behind him, eyes locked on his Professor just enough to see it all happen. The way Dumbledore used a freezing charm on the boy behind him, at the same time getting his wand taken.

"Good evening Draco," Dumbledore spoke, looking forward above them looking as calm as how Tom knew him.

"Who else is here?" The voice called out, shaky and familiar. Tom waved his hand in front of the boy, to no avail he was ignored. He couldn't be seen or touched and Tom found it fascinating. He didn't hesitate to walk up the stairs, tempted to see who was up there and if they could see him. Now he is faced with someone awfully familiar looking. The prominent blonde hair.

"A question I might ask you. Or are you acting alone?" Dumbledore spoke up. The blonde scoffed, "No. I've got backup. There are Death Eaters here in your school tonight."

Death Eaters? The look of confusion that crossed Tom's face only lasted a split second. If anything else it was more of a realization upon hearing the name. It was something he often found himself thinking about, a name for those apart of his plans. Yet he never spoke about it to really anyone. And on top of that he hadn't a single clue who any of them were other than his Professor, who looked much older.

"Perhaps you ought to get on with the job alone," suggested Dumbledore. "What if your back up has been thwarted by my guard? I'm sure you'd heard, there are members of the Order of the Phoenix here tonight as well, along with other...unforeseen guests."

Tom stared around, paying little attention to the conversation before him, eyes locking on the trembling boy next to him. The scar on his forehead unlike anything he'd ever seen, a distinct feature on his face that made Tom curious. The boy wasn't familiar, none of them were really but at the sound of the blonde's last name, his eyes shot up again.

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