34| confrontations in the common room

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34| confrontations in the common room

    He wanted to yell. Scream at Seren for ignoring him. Tell her to stop her stupid nonsense and just speak to him. She wouldn't even look up at him, even though she sat just across from him in the Great Hall. She distracted herself talking to Liam or Florence, smiling along with them like she didn't cae he was across from her. He wasn't sure if it was the lack of proper sleep, or his foul mood from when she threw their friendship away, but he was not having it today.

He couldn't help himself from thinking about his dreams. His mind replaying the way his professor's body flung off the tower. Or how his face had contorted into this ghastly imitation of a snake. Or how the woman in black carried Seren's last name, little resemblance, but was not related to her. He sat through enough of the meeting to hear of the real Lestrange members and she was only married to one. But how was it possible that she reminded him so much of his Seren? Or even how his future self looked at her similarly to how he looked at Seren.

"Tom, did you hear?" Abraxas asked him, he looked over to him finger lightly tracing his own bone structure. Abraxas sighed, "We're studying at the library tonight for the Potions exam. Won't you be joining us?" He shook his head, fork clanking against his plate angrily glaring at Seren as she continued her talk with Liam.

He spent his day like this, mind off somewhere else trying to piece together any amount of information he could about his dreams. But then he thought about Harry Potter, and how Seren had already known about him, had whispered his name while in a daze.

"Tom," his voice was calm, trying to bring his friend back from whatever dreamland he'd drifted off to but nothing worked. Instead Tom's gaze only hardened, staring ahead where Seren had her hand over Liam's as she helped him practice a certain spell. By the time their lunch break had come to an end, eating was the last thing on his mind. His plate was still full, other than the amount of times he picked at it, it was seemingly untouched. Seren was laughing, Liam reminded her of a childhood memory, before they arrived to Hogwarts where the two had snuck up to a tree and her skirt had gotten caught on a small branch ripping it down the middle. She covered her face in her hands, cheeks turning red at the flashback. As she looked up her eyes locked on Tom's. His were stone cold, not a single emotion crossing his face as his eyes never lefts hers for even a moment.

The corner of his mouth turned upward, sly smirk on his face as he pushed himself away from the table. He rose to his feet, wiping away any creases in his cloak and turning to the doors of the Great Hall. Without speaking another word, he left, not looking back to any of them. Now, Seren didn't want to talk to him, that was true. She made it clear that she was no longer interested in him, yet here she was, sitting in her usual spot across from him, wondering why he didn't look himself. His hair was out of place in some parts, purple bags under his eyes, droopy expression, and he didn't seem to be in the moment right now. Like his mind was elsewhere. Tom wasn't the type to wear his emotions on his sleeve like he had just now, even his silence today was strange, everyone knew something was wrong but nobody wanted to speak up about it.

It was after lunch, majority of the students were off in the courtyard or in the halls hanging out with friends when Seren left in search for Tom. The common room was practically empty other than a few younger Slytherins and when she asked if they'd seen him they pointed to the staircase leading to the boys dorm. Seren stood at the fireplace for a moment, if she were to walk into his room, he'd know she was worried about him, or at least cared enough to speak to him. That would make him bloat, he'd go on about how he knew she cared for him and couldn't stay away. And he'd instantly make her regret going to him.

But as she engrossed herself in thought, she was unable to spot him as he came down, looking straight at her as she wanted just by the stairs. He stood directly in front of her, eyebrow raised watching as her mouth parted, no words coming out. "Were you looking for me?" He asked, voice low and almost soothing like he was easing her into his trap, which was what he hoped for. "No, I was just, looking," she turned her back to him, the few stragglers inside had drifted off somewhere else and they were the only two again. His hand lightly touched her shoulder hiding under her hair, his thumb lightly caressed the back of her neck gently, "At what?" His hand was covered by her hair, as he slowly slid his hand further behind her neck until he was able to lay his flat palm on it. Her eyes glanced in his direction, watching as his eyes scanned the art hanging above the mantle, along with the small knickknacks standing on it.

"Or were you possibly," his finger began to press down, "Thinking about Harry Potter?"

Seren attempted to move out of his grip, but it only tightened, "You see, Seren, it appears you've been lying to me. All those restless nights, telling me you weren't feeling well, keeping all these secrets for me. And then poof, you are done with me, and I can openly admit to some things that I've done that you don't agree with. But I can't help but wonder, if this... Harry Potter you once whispered about had anything to do with it."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Tom turned her head roughly, forcing her to lock eyes with him, "Tom, you're hurting me."

"Really?" He arched a brow, taunting her almost, "How much?" She pushed against his chest as he tilted her head up, his nose brushed against hers, eyes closing for a moment as he took in her soft scent of vanilla. He released her suddenly, knocking her back a couple steps, she rubbed at the back of her neck hoping to soothe the pain. He matched her steps, every one she took back he took forward until her legs pressed up against the armchair.

"You're a murderer Tom," Seren whispered, trying to go around the chair to add more distance between them but he didn't let her.

"Am I? And how would you know that?" He leaned down becoming eye level with her, "Did you see me do something?"

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"Am I? And how would you know that?" He leaned down becoming eye level with her, "Did you see me do something?"

"No," she lied making him smile, he clicked his tongue, hand going under her chin and lifting her head slightly, "I know you're dangerous." He sighed, he straightened himself up, "And yet here you are, coming to look for me, right? Or would you like to keep pretending? I know you came for me, I heard you ask the others."

"What does it matter? Don't you have bigger things to worry about than me?" She asked, his thumb brushed against her lips, shushing her softly, "I do. But you make it hard to ignore you when you do things like this, following me around. Like, weren't you the one who said you were done with me?"

"Yes but—" "So what are you doing here then? Hm?" Tom turned your chin from one way to the other. The same high cheekbones, dark eyes, and blank expression. Yet he couldn't quite pinpoint what it was that reminded him of Bellatrix. Or more so, what of Bellatrix that reminded him about Seren. He recognized that emotion he felt for the strange woman, it almost like a longing. Not in a way that made him desire her, but more in a way that had him thinking about older times. Or maybe it was her name, but she didn't quite fit the Lestrange look. Her features were too sharp, harsh, they weren't like Serena's soft round face or like any of her relatives that he'd met before. And then he thought about the woman's overall appearance. She wasn't nearly as beautiful as Seren, or even her mother. Seren was a different kind of beauty though he'd never admit to it.

She was the kind that was hidden. The kind that made someone want to protect them and keep them from harm but also do a dangerous type. As if behind her noticeable beauty she was much more than just that. She was smart and intuitive. She knew right from wrong and could defend herself if needed. A lot of things made him think about Seren, for instance the cologne on his dresser. The one she'd given to him as a gift that he wore every day. The scent she'd inhale late at night when she'd sneak into his arms. That was another thing actually. Sometimes he couldn't even sleep comfortable whenever they were in a fight. All he could think about was her soft scent on his pillow the next day. Or like his self inking quill, the one she picked out before school for him. It only made him realize that there was no way his future self looked at Bellatrix in the same way he watched Seren.

For Voldemort watched her like she was a loyal servant, and he looked at Seren like he admired her.

"So, I ask now, if you have it set in your mind already that I am dangerous," he cleared his throat, licking his lips for a second, "Then why is it that you are not running away? Because I have a theory if you'd be open to hear it."


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