4| the sight of a boy

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4| the sight of a boy

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4| the sight of a boy

It was a burning sensation. Her eyes fluttered open watching nothing but black surround her. In front of her were two small black shoes. Her eyes traveled upward, a pair of khakis and a red sweater were worn by a young boy. He couldn't be older than eleven and he had big round glasses. There were scrapes and small spots of blood on his face. His clothes were covered in a layer of dirt.

"You!" Gasped the boy. The flames had disappeared, Seren came to a sitting position as the boy moved forward. A man with a turban stood in front, smile on his face as the boy approached him. The small moment the boy ran his hair moved with the wind exposing a small scar on his forehead. It looked similar to a thunderbolt. The boy was a stranger to her, somebody she had never seen before, yet the scar on his forehead brought a sense of familiarity to her. His eyes were familiar to her too, something was on the tip of her tongue but she couldn't quite point it out.

"But Snape tried to kill me!" The two had been stuck in a conversation. Both their voices had risen and Seren was loosing sense of hearing. It was a weird room she was in, nothing she had ever been in before. Her mind was still trying to wrap around how she managed to wake up in black flames. It must've been the boy's doing, he didn't seem too nervous almost like he knew what he would be getting himself into. His eyes had been trained on somebody outside the flames but all Seren saw was black. It put her in an awkward situation being somewhere she couldn't be seen or heard and still not knowing where to stand.

"No, no, no, I tried to kill you!" The man shouted, "Your friend Miss Granger accidentally knocked me over as she rushed to set fire to Snape at that Quidditch match. She broke my eye contact with you. I'd have managed it if Snape hadn't been muttering a countercurse, trying to save you." Seren's mind wrapped around the two new names. Snape and Granger. They must've had a meaning to them, something she could connect them to. Neither were familiar names to her. It was hard for Seren to picture the man in front of her as anything evil. He had a nice image and even a stutter that made him seem shy.

"You're too nosy to live, Potter. Scurrying around the school on Halloween like that, for all I knew you'd seen me coming to look at what was guarding the stone." Potter. It must not have been a first name, it was odd and familiar. She'd heard of the name before, somewhere but she couldn't remember at the moment. The two in front of her continued their back and forth, the man in the turban seeming to spill his plot to the boy without another thought.

The man had spoken of a mirror. It took Seren a moment to realize the large glass behind him. She had seen it when she arrived but she didn't think much of it. It was so big her mind had instantly considered it part of the room's decor. "This mirror is the key to finding the Stone," the man murmured, tapping his way around the mirror, "Trust Dumbledore to come up with something like this... but he's in London. I'll be far away by the time he gets back..."

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