35| blinded by lust

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35| blinded by lust

a little rated r
He waited for Seren to respond, but she never did. "You see, I think, that no matter how many words of hatred you say toward me, about me, or anything. You will never be able to fully get over me. If you were to be able to do it, you wouldn't care if I was acting strange or if I wasn't looking well. Now you say that I am dangerous but won't specify. And I am not to disagree with you, as we both know I am capable of more than what I let on. So you can try and stay away from me like you've yelled in my face that you would. But that's not what is going to happen."

"You don't know anything," she said behind gritted teeth. He smiled, "But I do. Like how I know that if you think I am so dangerous, then you must also believe you play some part in it as well, or else you wouldn't be here. So, what I need you to do is tell me more about Harry Potter, because we both know that if you don't I'll just find out some other way, like I already did, and I will do worse things to him and to anyone else you seem to know of until you come back to me."

"You say you know about him but it's obvious you don't really, because if you did you'd know how important he was," she began to rise to her feet, his hand falling off her face, "And you're right about one thing. I do feel like I play some part in it, but I also know that if I can't stop whatever you're doing, Harry will. I've seen him do it before. A few times actually."

"Are you saying that he's going to stop me? From doing what exactly? What is my plan?" Tom asked, following after her as she tried to leave to her room. It didn't do much when he was hot on her trail. "I can't talk anymore, we've got class soon," Seren sighed pushing into her room trying to close Tom out but he didn't even budge following her in. "We'll miss, I have a lot I want to talk to you about," he reached for her hand, "Tell me what you know."

"Let go of me," she tried to yank her hand away, feeling his grip tighten. "Why would I help you?"

"Because you're my best friend," he said out loud, "And you always have been. And I don't like us fighting when I know very well we could be on the same side again like we always had."

Seren let out a loud groan, turning back to face him, "No! Don't you get it, I am tired of this, tired of you and all your stupid little plans. I—" she stopped herself, taking in a deep breath suddenly too aware of their proximity again, she tried to move back but he held her in place, "M-maybe, if you were honest with me before, I'd help you, but you always kept me in the dark and now I've seen what you are."

"I was only trying to protect you," he said, pulling her closer until his hands could easily cup her face with his large palms, "You have to understand, I don't know if I am capable of changing. And, I only wanted to keep you safe."

"And you think everything that has happened, everything I have seen, proves that that is what you've been trying to do?" She asked him, letting his brush his lips against hers, slightly turning away, "You're a liar Tom."

He looked down at her, jaw clenching in anger, he hands tightened on her jaw, mouth opening slightly, and with closed eyes, he pressed his lips against hers. Inhaling deeply, as he pressed her face into his more. "Kiss me," he ordered, wanting to feel her lips move against his just once more. Her hands went to his wrist, hoping to ease the hold he had on her, but she could feel her wall slowly crumbling down inhaling his mint scent. Slowly, her lips began moving against his, as he dipped his head to the side deepening the kiss as she reciprocated. He moved forward, ultimately forcing her to move back, feeling his tongue slide across her bottom lip, the back of her knees hit her bed, falling back into a sitting position. Tom didn't move away, hands finally letting go of her face cautiously, worried she'd break the kiss right away. But Seren didn't. She let him pull back her cloak until it fell off her shoulders, and he was the one to actually break it. He yanked back his own cloak, grabbing his wand and muttering some spell before the lock on the door was in place. His knee pressed into the mattress as she fell back onto her elbows, kissing him roughly again. 

"We've," she tried to speak when his kisses trailed down her jaw, "We've got to get to class." She didn't move to push him off, even though in her head all she could hear were her own thoughts telling her to push him off. But she couldn't. He didn't say anything, moving her sweater lower to expose more of her neck and collarbones where he began to bite lightly. His hand held her by the neck, almost like he was holding her in place for his affection. Just like Tom, his affection was strong and passionate. Like he was hungry for something and only she could fulfill whatever desires he had deep down. And he couldn't stop himself at the moment, hands roaming over her sweater until he could grip the bottom and pull it off over her head. Her hands reached for his face, directing him toward her lips again which he obliged to. His fingers lingered on the button of her white shirt, ready to unbutton but she had to stop him. "We can't," she said again.

He huffed in annoyance, pushing himself off the bed, standing in front of the window fingers running through his tasseled head of soft curls. "You are right," he exhaled deeply, looking at his appearance in the mirror, "We are already late, so we should hurry on." He walked back to her again, picking his cloak off the floor as he left without another word. Tom had more important things to do than go to Charms, but he had to go back to some normalcy for a minute. He had not intended to commit such acts with Seren Lestrange, again that is. But he couldn't help it. He is calling it, a momentary step back from his plan. He was not supposed to kiss her, or try and become intimate with her. He was supposed to try and break her down until she told him everything he needed to know about this Harry Potter so that he could understand why he began to see him in his dreams. In Charms, he arrived just a little after Seren. He had retreated to his room to try and clear his mind and gather his things. With an easy excuse the professor believed him and he slid into the empty seat next to Lestrange.  Even being this close to her right now felt wrong.

"Where were you?" Benjamin asked him, looking to Seren as she glued her eyes to her textbook, "Professor Dumb,eerie was asking for you."

"Did he say why?" Tom asked, sitting straighter in his seat. Benjamin shook his head, "No, but he sounded off."

Seren couldn't believe herself. She was such an idiot, she really was. And a hypocrite. And liar. And she was weak. Because she kept letting herself get tangled up in Tom Riddle's web of lies and affection. She was doing this to herself. It was like she wanted to be in the middle of everything wrong with him and with whatever was going on in his head. Like she couldn't stay away even if she tried to distract herself with Liam or Abraxas, he'll even with William he didn't let her stray too far from him. And it want even like he was the only one to blame for whatever was going on between them. Because she was right there reciprocating his affections and letting him kiss her in places not obvious to the eye, or push her around onto the bed or any surface where could get over her, or have her over him.

They were not good for each other. Never had been so why can she not just stay away? What was it going to take for this to end between them? Was she going to need to take him down before he causes any more harm to anyone or her?


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