1| the sandman's nightmare

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1| the sandman's nightmare

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1| the sandman's nightmare

It was a dark shade of grey outside. The only source of light being hidden behind thick clouds of grey. It felt as if there wasn't an ending to the free fall her body was going through. The feeling in her chest was painful, it felt as if her heart was going to spill out. The pain that rang through her entire body as she hit the pavement below her was excruciating. She was left out of breath and her entire body ached. Her knuckles were lightly covered in a thin layer of blood. It was difficult to pry herself off the cement. The scene was eerie, the only place in sight was a house. An ordinary house with an ordinary front yard and an ordinary car parked in the driveway. As her eyes scanned her surroundings, she was limited on where to go. It really was nothing but black mass surrounding her, the only place she could go to was the house.

Her legs were shaky, the fall from the sky was abrupt. Her knock on the door was loud, in fear of where she'd possibly be. The only sound coming from the other side of the door was footsteps. They didn't seem to be coming closer to her though. With her head rested on the door, she prayed she could just find a way to get out of this setting. It was muffled, the sound of things crashing down. Her ears had only caught a small portion of it, catching it clearly though.

Her eyes had only trailed up an inch to the peep hole, of course she'd never be able to peak inside from there, but she only hoped. All she was met with was a very blurry foyer. Taking a few steps back, she looked around in hopes of catching sight of something through the windows. It was the only house in view, what was she supposed to do? Her lip was caught between her teeth in concentration, it wouldn't hurt to check inside would it?

The strain on her legs made it hard to use much force on the door. Especially when it was locked. The sound on the other end only grew louder, enveloping her in fear for what was possibly happening. With a huff, she stepped back. Her eyes were focused solely on the door. She hadn't focused on her shape in a long time, she didn't doubt she was out of shape. Though as the noise only grew louder, she had no choice but to muster enough strength to knock the door open. She wasn't a track star, but the couple years she played on the Quidditch team was enough for her to have decent stamina. With one leg forward, she ran to the door, hand on knob turning it as her body hit it with force.

"Oh my god!" The contact she made to the floor was heightened in intensity due to the previous fall she had taken. She gripped her elbow in pain, cursing as to why she continue to fall on her right side. The lights in the home were flickering, furniture thrown around. The only sound was coming from a tea kettle on the stove and footsteps above. Gathering the strength, she pushed herself off the floor reaching for the railing to the staircase.

"Lily! Take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off!"

The voice wasn't anywhere near her, she couldn't tell where it could've been coming from. Turning her head toward a long hallway, she was met with the sight of a lifeless body on the floor. It belonged to a man, death had cascaded his body. The only sign of the killer was a black robe up the staircase. She tried calling after them but it was no use, she was sure they couldn't hear her. The pounding on a door was loud and scary, items shuffled behind it as the being continued to pry the door open.

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