Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Lexi's POV

"I'm nervous," I whispered, squeezing Drake's hand.

"Don't be... Mrs. Collins," he smirked.

"We aren't married yet, smart one!" I whisper yelled back.

"I can't wait until we are though," he growled huskily. I grinned, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I didn't even need to pull him to me, he closed the distance himself.

"No PDA! And sit down!" a teacher barked. We groaned, and I straightened my graduation cap, and sat on the uncomfortable, brown, metal chair.

"I feel ridiculous!" I muttered, tugging on the stupid, golden robe.

"Me too- Oh, the valedictorian is starting," Drake replied.

A girl who I didn't really recognize stood at the podium, staring unfazed at the several hundred people in front of her. She had short, curly red hair ad freckles covering her nose.

She tapped on the microphone, and the sound echoed throughout the giant auditorium.

"Ahem! My name is Valerie Scott, and before we start I'd like to thank..."

The guests sat silently through Valerie's ten minute long speech.

"Thanks again!" she finished. The room burst with applause; personally, I was only clapping because she was finished. Our principal stood up on the podium after Valerie left and smiled.

"Welcome! Please, give a round of applause for our graduates!" He began calling names and my classmates made their way up to the stage to grab their diploma. The sound of cameras flashing filled the room as each person stepped up.

"Noel Bale... Ariel Cadaver... Brady Cole... Drake Collins." The auditorium literally shook when Drake's name was called. Hell, I was one of the loudest in there!

"WOO! I LOVE YOU DRAKE!" I screamed. He grabbed his diploma, and winked at me. A few people "aw'd" and he quickly sat back down next to me.

"Ha ha! I graduated first!" he teased. I playfully slapped him on the arm.

"Oh shut up," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

Much later, my name was called.

"Alexis Segura!" (A/N: You better love me Zoe!!) I blushed slightly as I walked up the stage. I stopped to turn to the audience, and felt tears fill my eyes. A much as I hated to admit it, I was going to miss this place.

I shook the principal's outstretched hand, and took the paper from him. I easily picked out Willow's red hair towards my right, and smiled at her and dad. I held my hand up in an 'I love you' sign when I met Drake's eyes, which gleamed with pride.

I skipped back to him, and flung myself into his lap. Ignoring the teacher glaring at me, I kissed him roughly.

I smirked against his lips when I felt him growing hard through the gown.

"Stop Lexi.." He groaned.

"We'll continue this later... got it?" I whispered, biting lightly on his ear. He nodded eagerly, and slid off of his lap.

* * * * * *

After the ceremony, the room bursted with families and friends talking to each other. Several of the girls were crying, and I was glad I'd never gotten too close to anyone to care about leaving.

"We're so proud of you!" Willow squeaked. She flung herself at Drake and I, hugging us tightly.

"Thanks!" I coughed. She stood back and smiled at us proudly.

"Good job sweetheart; you too Drake," Dad added, clapping Drake on the back. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and a side hug.

"So where do you want to eat?"

"I don't care," Drake and I said in unison.

"You guys are so cute!" Willow exclaimed. Drake turned to me, shaking his longish hair out of his eyes.

"I heard some new Mexican joint just opened up near the Carolina Apartments Complex," he suggested.

"Great idea! Let's go," Dad smiled.

"Wait, can I say bye to someone real quick?" I asked.

"Sure thing sweetheart, take your time. I grabbed Drake's hand and pulled him through the crowd. A familiar blonde head bobbed several feet in front of me.

"Cassidy?" I called, and she turned around. She turned around, looking to see who called her name. I quickly approached her, and she stuck her nose in the air when she saw me. Cassidy was the girl who had called me a slut so many days ago, and she still seemed pissed about the whole thing.

"Hey, I know you're kind of mad at me right now, but I'd like to apologize."

"You don't need to-" Drake began, but I put a hand over his mouth to shut him up.

"What I was trying to say was that I'm sorry that Drake over reacted like that. Are we good?" I asked, to which she nodded.

Suddenly, I felt something wet and warm touch my hand.

"Ew! Did you just lick my hand!?" I exclaimed. Drake nodded proudly, causing Cassidy to giggle. I wiped my hand on my gown, disgusted.

"Hey, we're about to go out to eat, do you want to come?" I asked.

"Nah, it's okay. I'm going out with my family," she replied politely.

"Cool, have fun! Maybe we'll run into each other some day... Tell Austin I say hi."

"Alright.. Bye Lexi."

"Bye," I replied, and grabbed Drake's hand again.

"You didn't have to do that you know," he muttered.

"But I wanted to," I replied simply.

"Well, if you're happy, so am I," he smiled.

We stepped outside onto the parking lot, and the cold air bit at our noses. We headed towards Drake's truck, and I turned to see my school one last time before I left.

"Bye..." I whispered, under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."


Author's Note:

Hey :D So Safe is reaching its end- only a few more chapters to go :( *sniffles* MY BABY!

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