Chapter 8

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{CAUTION: Content of aggressive and violent nature below. Viewer digression is advised.}


Chapter 8

After Luke had finished with me, I felt dirty, exhausted, and most of all, used. I was shaking too, like I was having an anxiety attack. Matt had congratulated me; apparently Luke had commented on how great of a job I'd done. I hadn't felt like I'd done great at all.

"Now take another shower, you've got more clients today," Matt ordered, pushing me towards the bathroom. My eyes widened a fraction.

"More?" I whispered, wanting to cry. I was ready to pass out just from Luke, there was no way I could handle more.

"Yes, your next one is a woman named Jessica," he replied.

"But... But... I don't like girls!" I exclaimed. I've never had anything against the LGBT community, in fact, I considered myself an ally. I had just never felt particularly compelled to join, if you know what I mean.

"Well you do today, so hurry up!"

I let a few tears escape as I started my next shower. I made sure to spend the maximum time I could in the once relaxing water. After I was dressed in some too-small, caramel colored lingerie, I stepped back out into the bedroom.

A bodacious girl was lying on the bed, wearing even skimpier lingerie than mine. This surprised me slightly, but I didn't let it show on my face. She was very pretty, couldn't she just find a girl who would willingly sleep with her? Didn't she know what sort of business the was supporting?

'Jessica' stalked forward, and pulled me down onto the bed. She wasted no time throwing our clothing (if that's what you wanted to call it) onto the floor. The controlling woman placed her lips onto mine.

I could tell she was trying to be a bit gentle- key word trying. Seconds later, she was practically sitting on my face, making me extremely uncomfortable.

Just as I had before, I screwed my eyes shut. I pictured Drake, and thought of nothing but him. I chanted his name in my head. At the same time though, a smaller voice in the back of my mind called out. He took me here in the first place, shouldn't he have protected me?

I stamped out the voice.

* * * * * *

At this point, I would like to dedicate a big, fat fuck you to life. I ended up having a total of seven "clients," two of whom were female. I wondered if I should tell one of them about my situation, but Matt told me that he was "monitoring my work." I guessed that the mirror above the dresser was some sort of one-way glass. I shuddered involuntarily, picturing him watching me.

Speaking of Matt, he had his fun with me as well, bringing my total of clients up one.

I ended up back in the little concrete room with the other girls, who thankfully gave me my space. Jingxiu stayed next to me though, and we ended up with our arms around each other.

"How long have you been here?" I asked, stifling a yawn.

"Since fourteen year old, now I am twenty. Don't remember family well," she replied forlornly. I squinted up at the lone, grubby light bulb above me, wondering how people could be so cruel to one another.

"What do you remember about them?"

"Little brother's laugh, and mother and father hugs." Jingxiu sounded so broken up, it made me want to cry.

"I'll get you out if here, we'll find your family," I vowed.


I hesitated slightly. I guess there's no harm in making a promise like that, at the east it will give her some hope.

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