Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I nervously handed each of my parents one of the little, fancy white envelopes. Drake and I spent the entire day before tediously preparing them all, one by one. I anxiously watched them tear open the seal to reveal the nice stationary with a large, fancy, golden heading imprinted on it.

"Read it out loud," Drake urged.

"Okay... 'You have been officially invited to Drake Collins and Lexi Segura's wedding on April the fourth, two thousand thirteen. The ceremony will begin at noon and end at four PM. Please come to this address,'" Mom stated, then read off the address at the little chapel down the road from Drake's old house.

Mom's eyes slowly filled with glistening tears, and a smile graced her face. She laughed, wiping the tears away.

"I'm really happy for you two," she said.

"Congrats guys, I'm glad you've got it all figured out!" Dad said with a grin.

"Wait... The dress! Show me!" Mom ordered. It had admittedly me taken a while, but I didn't have any difficulty calling (or thinking about) Willow as Mom.

"Nope, you'll have to wait until April fourth," I teased. It was a few months away, so Drake and I had plenty of time to get everything ready.

"Whatever," she sighed.

Usually mothers and close friends came with the bride to pick out the dress, but I wanted to go alone. I didn't want the pressure of feeling like I had to please everyone, and I wanted the dress itself to be a surprise for everyone.

The dress itself... it was gorgeous. The top half was tight fitting with beautiful, beaded designs dancing across it. The skirt flowed out into a short train ad was bunched together in certain places In short, it was beautiful.

After watching all of those reality TV shows, I expected it to take days to find the "perfect dress." Really though, it had only taken me a few hours, with the help of an assistant at the boutique, Marina.

Drake and I had both decided on having a small wedding- we didn't exactly know many people to invite anyway. It would just be us, Mom and Dad and some of our family. My seven year old niece, Joy, was going to be the ring bearer, and Joy's sister, Amanda, would be the flower girl. I had only seen pictures of the sisters, but it wasn't like I had anyone else. Besides, they're cute and all that matters was that Drake and I were going to get married, and finally get our happily ever after.

{Three Months Later}

"Mom, I look horrible," I muttered, pulling out a tube of lip gloss.

"Sweetheart, you look gorgeous! Look in that mirror," she ordered, snatching the lip gloss away. Rolling my eyes, I stood and walked to the full sized mirror. Mom was standing behind me, a huge smile on her face.

"I see a beautiful, talented, and amazing young lady with so much ahead of her... Oh look, you're there too!" she joked. I snorted, she thinks she's hilarious.

"Oh, how nice," I muttered sarcastically.

"Really though darling, you look marvelous, and Drake-"

"What if he isn't there!?" I shrieked, interrupting her steady flow of compliments.

"Calm down! Why wouldn't he be there?"


"Exactly. Now get out there! The music is about to start!" she encouraged, pushing me out of the little dressing room. I heard her run by me, and use the side exit to join the guests.

I linked my arm with Dad's and he smiled reassuringly.

"You look beautiful, Lexi; I can't believe my baby girl is getting married," he whispered. He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, and helped me push the double doors open.

The first thing I noticed was Drake, standing at the end of the aisle. It took all of my will power not to forget the whole ceremony and just run up to him already. I smiled nervously and he grinned. He looked dashing in his suit, and he knew it.

The priest was dressed in all white, and held a frayed and worn Bible in his hands. He had wispy grey hair and smiled at me kindly.

The organist began playing a slow, sweet song. It was something. My mom used to play for me to get me to fall asleep as a baby, and hearing it always made me smile.

Dad and I walked down the white carpet together, and I saw pink and red flower petals that Amanda had scattered across the floor and smiled. I was faintly aware of the sound of crying, and I had no doubt in my mind that it was Mom. I locked eyes with Drake once again, and finally, I was standing next to him. Dad sat in the front row and the priest began the usual speech that started with, "We are gathered here today..."

I tuned out the priest and Drake grabbed my hands comfortingly. His eyes were filled with both happiness and love, as were my own. Neither of us could, much less wanted to, wipe the grins from our faces.

I was suddenly aware of him slipping my ring on my finger, and I was handed his. With an even bigger smile, I pushed the ring onto his finger. The priest said something else then paused.

"I do," I heard him say. I waited for the priest to pause before repeating Drake's words.

"Drake Collins, you may now kiss your bride."


Author's Note:

Hello my dears :D So I said I wouldn't do any more short chapters... I lied >:) I might do a sequel, but in the meantime look at my other works! Thank you all so so much for reading Safe, and sticking with me to the end. This story will always be important to me as the first one I actually completed. I love each and every one of you, and I couldn't have gotten through this without you all <3

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