Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Are you gonna ask me to stop?" he taunted. He grabbed me by my throat, slowly tightening his grasp. I gasped for air, wondering how I was still conscious.

"N-no," I spat. He roared in fury; I knew "Matt" would end up killing me, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me plead for his mercy. Either way, I don't think he has the capacity to feel pity or mercy anyway.

"Do it!" he ordered. I shook my head numbly, knowing that if I spoke, he would hear the pain in my voice again. He grabbed me by my hair, yanking me up. I yelped, and my hands flew to my scalp.

"Last chance," he whispered into my ear. I shut my eyes, and shook my head once more.

I felt the wall hit my face before I could even see it coming. Pain blossomed through my skull, and before everything went black, I heard his evil laugh echo through the room.

* * * * * *

Drake's POV

"Kid, I've got work to do, so why don't you just go back home to mommy and daddy and we'll act like this never happened, okay?" he said. He spoke to me as if I was some little kid who had lost his way. It made me feel like I was seven or something.

"I don't have time for small talk," I snarled. Not batting an eyelash, I lifted the gun, and pointed the weapon at his face. It had a silencer on it, so hopefully the sound won't be quite as loud as it would have been without it. His eyes widened; he had clearly not expected me to have anything like this on me.

I took in his terrified expression, and smiled slightly before I pulled the trigger. At the last second, I decided to aim at his stomach.

This way his death would be much slower, and much more painful.

Blood burst from the middle of his belly, and his body crumpled to the ground. What kind of idiot wouldn't have his guards check me for weapons anyway? I shoved the gun back into my jacket, and stood over his body.

"Did you hit her?" I whispered menacingly.

"W-who?" he groaned.

"Lexi," I replied. To my disgust, he nodded. Struggling to keep my cool, I asked him another question.

"Did you touch her?" I asked, even more quietly than before. He nodded once more, and that was all I needed to know that I'd feel no regrets while I mauled this scumbag.

* * * * * *

I searched through his now blood soaked jacket until I found a ring with assorted, numbered keys on it; I put it in my pocket. Before stepping out the door behind the desk, I turned to his dead body one last time.

"You'll never even know how much mercy I showed you; you deserved much worse than the quick death I gave you," I whispered.

Stepping through the doors, I was greeted by the sounds of pleasure-filled moans coming from behind almost every door.

Oh. Awesome.

Anger bubbled within me once more as I thought about a man getting anywhere near my innocent little Lexi. She already lost her innocence to Simmons, did she really deserve to have to do all this again!? She was supposed to give it to me! Not Erick, me! I roared, and punched the wall. I will get my revenge on everyone who got with her. Blood trickled down my knuckles, mixing with Erick's.

I pressed my ear against each door for a few moments to see if I could pick out Lexi's voice. I felt like such a pervert, though I knew it was all for the best. On about the fourth or fifth door, I heard the soft, depressing sound of a female sobbing inside. Slowly, I pushed the door open, and was met with a horrible scene.

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