Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Lexi's POV

I woke up with the sudden urge to use the restroom. I gently pried Drake's arms off of me, and sped towards the bathroom. I yanked the door open and... Wait, there was a door? I thought Drake broke it down last night?

Losing the need to pee, I went back to Drake's sleeping figure.

"Drake?" I asked, knowing he'd hear me. He was a very light sleeper.


"Why is there a bathroom door?"

"Huh? Oh, I went to Lowe's last night and got another one. I didn't think your dad would appreciate a broken down door," he replied, voice husky from sleep. He rubbed his eyes, and looked up at me.

"Thanks," I mumbled, and crawled back into bed with him. He growled playfully, and wrapped his arms back around me. I sighed, staring at his face. How could I be so lucky?

"I think that all the time," he mumbled. Huh?

"I said that out loud?" I asked, blushing. He nodded, and I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Burying my head in his chest, I quickly fell back asleep.

*. *. *.

{A few days later}

"Drake, when are we going?" I fake whined. He was taking me out on yet another date with a surprise destination.

"I'm going now; you and Willow follow me in fifteen minutes."


"Just go with it," he replied, rolling his eyes. He pulled on his favorite brownish-black leather jacket and walked out to his truck.

"Willow!" I screeched.

"Lexi!" she yelled back, and walked into the room. She was in nice jeans and a flowy, bohemian shirt, decorated with images of delicate looking flowers. I was in pale blue jeans and a vintage T-shirt with the Union Jack on it. My jewelry and make up matched perfectly, something I was pretty proud of.

"What did he mean? You're coming on our date? No offense, but that would be really weird..."

"None taken," she laughed. "But I think we can go about now, ready?"

"Wait, are we going to see Drake?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Just follow me," she ordered playfully, grabbing her keys from the kitchen cabinet.

We got into her little red car, which she had filled to the brim with different, crazy decor. Her steering wheel had a zebra print cushion on it, and the seats had bright purple covers. Giant, fuzzy white dice hanged from her mirror, along with several multicolored plastic flowers.

She put on a Beats Antique CD and began to drive, humming along with the current song playing, The Porch.

Eventually she reached a familiar place. Where had I... Oh! It was the forest Drake had given me my bracelet in! My face flushed when I remembered what happened after. It looked a lot different during the day.

"Alright, out!" Willow ordered.


"You'll know what to do," she replied cryptically. I opened the door and stepped out. Willow sped away, and I walked towards the woods nervously. I wasn't used to being alone, especially in a place like this, but I trusted Drake and Willow. I looked around me, but I didn't see anyone nearby. I was supposed to go in by myself?

My feet led me to a small path, and I smile when I saw it. It had been cleared out nicely, and hundreds of deep red rose petals lined the sides. I smiled; who knew Drake could be a romantic?

Glancing up, I saw that the leaves of the trees created a pretty ceiling. Small, white paper lanterns lit the forest, and suddenly I didn't feel so scared anymore. I took my time making my way down the path- I didn't want to forget the feeling in my chest as I saw everything Drake had done for me.

I grinned widely when I saw a familiar clearing. I took note of the willow tree surrounded by water. I stepped off of the path, and looked around a bit. There was a little wooden picnic table with a white table cloth over it. There was food, all covered by metal lids. Silver ware and napkins sat next to the pretty white plates. A glass vase full of water stood in the center of it all.

A sinfully handsome Drake appeared, and smiled at me.

"Did you do all this?" I asked, walking up to him.

"With a little help from Willow," he grinned, and grabbed my hand. Staring intensely into my eyes, he lowered his face towards mine. I closed the distance, meeting his lips half way.

Our mouths moved together skillfully, and he gently ran his tongue across my bottom lip. It ended all too soon.

"Would you like to sit down?" he asked. I nodded, and he pulled out a chair, which I gratefully sat in. He uncovered a plate to reveal my favorite food- lasagna.

"How did you know I liked lasagna?" I asked.

"I listen," he said simply.

We enjoyed the meal in our usual comfortable silence, and let me tell you: it was the most delicious lasagna I'd ever eaten in my life.

"That was amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks," he grinned, and opened his arms for me.

I stepped into them without hesitation, inhaling his familiar scent.

Drake's POV

I wrapped my arms around her, loving the feel of her tiny body in my arms.

"Lexi? Can I ask you something?"

"Anything," she replied. Fuck... I'm nervous! I decided to do what I'd seen in the movies, but what if she thought it was lame? I couldn't ruin this.

I grabbed her soft hands in my own rough ones and fell to one knee. Her eyes widened a fraction and I knew that she could guess what was coming.

"Lexi, I don't know how to put this without sounding like a sap, but here goes... Lexi, I love your laugh. I love the way you talk in your sleep. I love how much you trust me. I love how kind and understanding you are. You're the most beautiful, amazing person I've ever met in my life, and I would die a thousand times over for you. I love you... more than life itself. Would you please do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Collins?" I pulled out the black velvet box, and opened it to show her the ring.

Lexi's POV

I gasped when I saw the engagement ring; it was absolutely gorgeous. It was white gold, my favorite color for jewelry. It looked like someone had taken a string of tiny diamonds and a strip of white gold and twisted them together to make the ring.

Drake's POV

I watched anxiously as she admired the ring. It had taken so long to decide which one to get, but when I saw this one I knew. In hopes that she'd say yes, I also bought the actual wedding ring to match. It was currently in my safe in our room.

Her eyes filled with tears, and she locked eyes with me.

"Yes Drake, I'd love to marry you," she whispered. I grinned, and stood up. I quickly plucked the ring out of the box, and slid it onto the correct finger.

"There, now no one can touch you," I growled, and gently pushed her back, down onto the ground.


Author's Note:

Okay, I know it's short, but don't kill me yet! This will hopefully be the shortest chapter I'll write!

Mmm... Lasagna...

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