Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

{DISCLAIMER: There is content of a sexual nature in this chapter that may disturb and/or trigger some readers. Feel free to skip to chapter 2.}

"No please don't go Lexi!" Adrian whined.

I spent my entire night babysitting this rambunctious toddler, and I was ready to leave. I can only spend so long listening to one little person talk without stopping, so can you really blame me? Thankfully, his parents were finally back home from their date at the new restaurant down the street, so I could finally go back home. Adrian, however, had other plans.

I had to admit, while Adrian was loud, and a bit annoying, the five year old was adorable. Simply put, he was a crazy ball of raw energy. His previously gelled blonde hair was a mess, and his bright green eyes shone with anticipation of his next adventure. His toothy smile could light up an entire room.

We just finished playing yet another round of "Super Adrian saves the world from Lexzilla," so he still had his little Super Man cape loosely tied around his neck. I was tired from stomping around and kicking down Lego buildings, but I'd still had fun. In his hand was an action figure that resembled Godzilla, its plastic jaw wide open, revealing painted white teeth.

"I'm sorry Adrian, but I've gotta go sometime silly!" I exclaimed, inching towards the door. His parents simply watched our exchange with amused expressions. They were decked out in very nice, black tie clothing. They seemed pretty tired, so I wanted to leave and let them (and me) rest.

"Fine!" He pouted, folding his little arms over his chest.

"Don't I get a hug before I go?" I asked, already knowing his answer.

"Ew no! You're a girl!" He squealed, causing his mother and I to laugh.

"Good boy, Adrian," his father encouraged. "Stay away from stinky girls until you're older, ya hear?"

"Okay, okay, bye kiddo," I smiled fondly, and finally walked out of their little apartment, after bashfully accepting a small wad of money from Adrian's parents.

I turned the corner, and began to walk in the familiar direction of my own home. I didn't live too far from Adrian's family, but I would have preferred to get a ride from my dad or someone. Living in Montgomery was dangerous; with this in mind, I pulled my hood up and kept my head down. I had some homework I needed to finish, so I didn't want to waste any time.

"Ugh," I groaned, remembering that I hadn't even started my Pre-Calculus assignment yet.

I paused when I reached a fairly busy street, waiting for the crosswalk signal to light up again. A strong pair of arms wrapped around me; one around my middle, one hand covering my mouth. I was too shocked to react at first, but I quickly recovered, and began kicking and screaming. I tried banging my head into his nose, and elbowing him in the gut, but the huge, beast of a man didn't seem to notice. Despite my struggle, he easily dragged me backwards into an alley.

My screams were muffled by the man's large, gloved hand as he pulled me deep into an alleyway. I froze when I heard the click of a gun.

"I had a feeling that would shut you up," a rough voice snarled behind me. I felt the cold metal of a pistol being pressed against the side of my forehead, and decided it would be best not to fight any more. The man lowered his hand from my mouth, acting as if he expected me to keep screaming, but I kept quiet.

"W-what do you want? I have money!" I pulled out the two crumpled twenty dollar bills I had just been given, and held it up. A bark of laughter escaped his lips.

"Sweetheart, I have plenty of money," he whispered. I felt the bills slip out of my shaking hand, and flutter to the ground.

"Alright..." I mumbled, and turned to leave, already knowing that the idea of escaping so easily was ridiculous.

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