Chapter 35: The Son

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chapter 35: the son •••

Waking up in Din's arms isn't as peaceful as falling asleep was.

Your stomach is turning from the moment your eyes open, making you squeeze your eyes shut again as you bury your face into the cloth of Din's neck. Unintentionally, you release a muffled whimper of distress, which instantly makes Din stir as a gloved hand runs over your back.

"What is it, rid'ika?" Din asks with strong concern, his modulated voice still raspier than usual from his slumber. He lets you curl up even more into him, despite the way Grogu starts to coo as the movements wake him up. "Are you okay? Is it the—?"

"Morning sickness," you manage to tell him, swallowing hard to keep anything from coming up. You shake your head and lean further into Din. "I don't want to get sick again."

Din sets Grogu at his side, letting him nestle his way into his hip as Din uses both arms to soothe you. One hand stays on your back as the other brushes over your head. As softly as he can through his modulator, Din coos sweet nothings to you, trying to get your mind off the feeling as you instead try to focus on the soft movements of his hands. Your hands have instinctively clutched the material of his cape as your arms stay wrapped around him and you let the material run through your fingers as you try to release it. "There you go, cyar'ika," Din praises once he senses you relaxing more. One of his gloved hands then travels over your stomach. "Ner ad'ika, you better be kind to your mother."

Almost immediately after he speaks, the rest of the symptoms disappear, causing you to lift your head from Din's neck as you face him with wide eyes. "How did you do that?"

"Do... what?"

You shake your head slowly in amazement. "It's just... I don't feel sick anymore. After you talked."

Din shrugs, lifting one of his hands to trail his knuckles down the side of your face. "I guess she's not as stubborn as us."

You start to smile at that. "I guess—," you pause, finally realizing what Din said as you wrinkle your brow, "did you say 'she?'" Din nods, causing you to chuckle as you place your hand over Din's and press it against your cheek. "Din, they're only four weeks old! We don't have that information yet."

"I don't need it. I just know." Din urges your forehead to rest against his helmet and you can picture the smile underneath his helmet. "I can't wait to meet our daughter."

You playfully roll your eyes. "Or our son."

Din runs his thumb over your cheek. "Our second son." He then looks down at Grogu, using the hand that's not on your cheek to pet one of his ears. Grogu coos fondly at his father. "Are you excited to meet your little sister, Grogu?"

"Din!" you laugh, lightly slapping his hand to get it away from Grogu. "You can't say something like that to him, he'll get confused!"

Grogu giggles when he hears both you and Din doing the same, the sounds warming your heart as you picture the future of your family—the future that could possibly end today, should Ahsoka take Grogu away for training.

The thought almost makes your nausea return.

Din's just helped you and Grogu up from the ground when you hear the crunching of terrain nearby. You figure it's Ahsoka, but you can see Din reach for his blaster just in case. Her montrals and lekku soon appear from around a tree as she smiles at the sight of your family. "Good morning," she greets, bowing her head in a respectful manner. You smile as Din repeats the gesture. Ahsoka then reaches forward to Grogu, who's sitting almost shyly in your arms. "Are you ready, little one?"

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