Chapter 47: The Disillusioned

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chapter 47: the disillusioned •••

"We're here, cyar'ika."

The warmth in Din's voice is hard to miss even through his modulator and the starfighter's comm system. Your lips curl up into a smile as the greenery of a planet bursting with life passes you by. Zora coos with delight and you laugh with her. "Are you excited, my angel?" You kiss her head and bounce her on your lap. "You're finally gonna meet your brother."

Saying the words aloud doesn't make it feel any more real. It's been so long since you last saw the little green child you and Din are honored to call your son. The two of you had followed the instructions the Jedi had given you even before Zora was born, when your old friend took you two from Sorgan to the capital within the Core. Din kept the name of the planet they had given you and saved it for the day you had your own ship to take you there. You had told yourself then that it would be many more months, even years, before you were able to see your son again.

Now, you could be just minutes away.

"I've closed in on the droid's signal." Din speaks with the excitement of a child who's just received the best surprise in the galaxy. "We're landing now."

"We're ready." You smother Zora's head with a few more kisses that send her into a fit of giggles. Your gaze lifts to observe the scenery yet again. Din lands the starfighter between tall hills lush with trees, plants, and undergrowth that tower over a pool of water. It ripples from the gentle breeze that makes the trees and tall grass sway. The colors of blue, white, and silver help you to notice the presence of the droid the Jedi had brought with him to Gideon's cruiser. Zora coos and reaches a curious hand towards it.

The starfighter settles and Din shoots out of his seat faster than a blaster bolt from his barrel. He turns and helps you to stand and climb down with Zora strapped to your chest. His helmet turns to face the droid who waits just a few paces away. "Hello, friend."

You lift your brow, amused. He must be in a really good mood to be calling a droid "friend."

Din keeps a tight grasp on your hand and leads the two of you over to the astromech. "We're looking for Skywalker."

The droid beeps in response. Din shares a look with you. Neither of you are well-versed in binary, which makes the astromech's words as good as gone.

Din turns back to the droid. "We came to see the kid, Grogu."

You grin and bring yourself closer to Din just at the mention of your son's name. Your stomach is filled with the same butterflies that flutter over your heads. The astromech beeps again before it turns and wheels away. You and Din follow him and keep your grasp on each other's hands.

Zora's oohs and ahs never stop during your tread through the planet's dense bamboo forest. The droid beeps in response and you wish you could translate his words for her. You let her hold on to your free hand and watch her brown eyes light up at everything around her. That's been a benefit to the way you've wandered the galaxy with Zora. She's gotten to see quite a bit of the galaxy already.

Din stops and squeezes your hand. You stop and look at him with a furrowed brow. The astromech hasn't stopped in front of you and Din's visor isn't fixed on its path. He points at something in the distance: an ant droid carrying a massive rock. You take your hand from Zora and use it to turn Din's helmet towards you. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Din nods. "It's just... odd."

"Well, we're dealing with Jedi here." You say the words with fondness. "Let's just keep following the droid."

You become the one to lead Din ahead. The astromech takes you down the rest of the trail through the forest until it clears. Your eyes widen in amazement at the sight of countless ant droids carrying materials and assembling a cone-like stone structure. Zora cheers and claps her tiny hands together. You giggle and look over at Din, who watches the sight with a frozen frame.

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