Chapter 67: The Capture

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chapter 67: the capture •••

By the next morning's daybreak, Astra and Din have already been briefed on the new plan. The Armorer is to take the wounded and weakened survivors to the rest of the fleet on the Gauntlet while the rest, most notably their captain, bring the scouting party to the Great Forge. They've just helped the Armorer get the wounded aboard when the captain calls to his brethren.

"Onward, Mandalorians!" he commands. "To the Forge!"

Astra, Din, and Grogu stand alongside Bo-Katan as the glider heads further and further away from where the Gauntlet's now taking off. There's an ache trapped between Astra's chest and the beskar armor that covers it. The ship is getting closer to the fleet, where the rest of the Mandalorians continue to wait for them; Where her daughter waits.

Part of Astra wishes she was on that ship right now, heading back to take Zora in her arms and never let her go.

Then the touch of Din's hand upon her back grounds Astra to reality again, and she doesn't regret a single effort spent helping him and his people. After all, they're her people now, too. Astra turns her head to look up at him and the way his visor tilts at her convinces that everything will be okay. Din touches his helmet to her forehead before he steps away to lead the group back towards the rest of the scouting party.

The four of them are on the upper deck looking out at the Mandalorians gathered below when Grogu comes to Astra's side. She turns her gaze towards him and watches the wrinkles on his tiny forehead multiply. Grogu coos, a question Astra doesn't need to translate to answer.

Astra just smiles the best she can. Grogu closes his eyes and no later does Astra earn a strong sensation of relieving warmth in her chest. It's too overpowering to have been caused by Grogu's energy alone. Astra's smile becomes more genuine when Grogu reopens his eyes and gives her a hopeful glance. She takes one of his little hands in hers and brushes her thumb over it.

"Thank you," Astra whispers to him. She lifts her hand to brush her fingers along his ear. Grogu coos as his big brown eyes light up at her.

Astra's almost surprised by Din taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. She turns her head towards him and finds comfort in the dark void of his visor. Din's voice is low when he speaks to her. "I felt it, too."

Astra smiles before her gaze falls to her feet. She hears Din's armor rustle as he steps even closer to her side and waits patiently for her. Astra tries to piece together what she wants to say in her mind, but each one comes with an apology.

Din's free hand presses underneath Astra's chin to urge her to lift her head once again and face him. He keeps his gloved fingers there, encouraging her to seek refuge in him. Astra's more than grateful to oblige. "It's okay." Din's voice is so soft it crackles through his modulator. He adds a reassuring nod. "I've been worrying about her, too."

Astra sighs and lets her vulnerability show for only just a moment. "Will it always be this way?"

"It will." Din huffs with amusement and gives her hand another squeeze. "Who are we if not worriers over our loved ones?"

Astra laughs with him and closes her eyes, steadying herself with a breath. "You're right." She meets Din's visor again. "She's okay."

"And she'll continue to be." Din nods once more before he lowers his hands from her and stands where he was before.

It's not long before they're pulled aside by Bo-Katan to discuss the Great Forge in more depth, as well as strategy for multiple contingencies. Grogu has since gone to join the other Mandalorians as they watch Paz and Axe play a board game. Astra checks up on him over her shoulder every once in a while, but what grabs everyone's attention isn't from Astra's own observation. It's from the heightened volume of Paz's and Axe's voices.

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