Chapter 42: The Goodbye

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chapter 42: the goodbye •••

You keep one hand tight in Din's as the other holds Grogu close. The baby's since snuggled comfortably into your shoulder, just as relieved as you are to finally be reunited. Meanwhile, Din has Gideon's limp form tossed over his shoulder, the weakness of the villain nearly making you laugh to yourself with some kind of sickened joy. Din seems to feel the same way as he gives your hand a squeeze, especially as you walk towards the doors leading to the bridge.

When the doors open and you step inside, you're immediately met with the figures of four women. All of them are familiar to you but one, and one is especially familiar—causing you to smile as you meet their gaze.

"Cara!" you exclaim, hurrying over to where she stands to give her a warm embrace.

"Astra," Cara responds with a breath of relief. "Thank the Maker you're all right." She pulls away to brush her hand over Grogu's head. "And the little one, too."

"His name's Grogu," you inform her, causing her to look at you with shock.

"How'd you find out?" Cara questions.

You look over your shoulder, watching as Din sets down the groggy Gideon onto the stairs just in front of a seemingly displeased Bo-Katan. "That's a long story." You quickly face Cara again with a reassuring look. "We'll have to tell you more about it later." Cara nods, understanding the point you're making as you turn to face Din. You're about to walk over when the sound of Bo-Katan's voice stops you.

"What happened?" she asks, looking at Din with fear in her eyes. You furrow your brow in confusion of what she could possibly be afraid of.

"He brought him in alive, that's what happened," Cara answers from beside you. She walks over to Din to place a hand on his pauldron and you follow close behind her. "And now the New Republic's gonna have to double the payment."

"That's not what she's talking about," Gideon suddenly says, causing you to freeze in place as you look down and notice Gideon's completely awake now. Din immediately comes to your side, letting part of his cape brush over you in a protective manner. Meanwhile, Gideon and Bo-Katan share a tense glance. "Why don't you kill him now and take it?"

"You're lucky I need you alive," Cara snaps as she gives Gideon a warning glance, "or else we'd kill you."

Gideon simply smirks, looking up to Din as he raises his brow. "It's yours now."

"What is?" Din questions, his tone cautious as you watch his hands turn to fists at his sides. You set a hand on the part of his back not covered by his jetpack for comfort.

"The Darksaber," Gideon answers. Your eyes widen in disbelief as you look at Din. "It belongs to you."

"Darksaber?" you echo lowly, earning Din's gaze through his visor. "Riduur, what's he talking about?"

Din sighs, reaching towards his belt to take something from it. You can recognize the hilt of a sword as Din suddenly ignites it, letting a dark, shining blade extend from it. "This," Din informs you. "He fought me with this before I found you." Din sheathes the blade again, stepping away from you only to walk towards Bo-Katan. "Now..." Din reaches out to hand the hilt to her, "it belongs to her." When Bo-Katan doesn't make a move to accept it, you can feel your stomach tie into an unpleasant knot—especially when she only looks at Din indignantly.

"She can't take it," Gideon explains, as if he's enjoying the tension. You know he is. "It must be won in battle." Din looks down at Gideon with evident confusion. Grogu hides his face in your shoulder with a low coo and you comfort him by petting a hand over his head repeatedly. "In order for her to wield the Darksaber again, she would need to defeat you in combat."

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