Chapter 5: The Village

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chapter 5: the village •••

Din awakens from his slumber when the trees open up enough to practically blind his visor with sunlight. He blinks a few times, grateful for the filter cushioning some of the harsh light from entering his eyes. It takes a few moments for him to remember what happened before he drifted off to sleep the night before, and he looks to his side to see you—instead of resting against his shoulder—rocking the child in your arms. Its excited eyes look at the upcoming village, and yours simply watch it with amusement. Din's heart warms at the sight, and he tries to push down the sensation. It's too dangerous of a feeling; he needs to keep his heart as cold as his beskar if he doesn't want to get hurt.

"Look who's finally with us," Cara teases from across the wagon. Din scoffs, sitting up more to show his alertness. At Cara's words, your gaze shifts from the child to him, and he can't help looking in your gaze to see it full of warmth.

"Rise and shine," you say with the same teasing tone as Cara's. "You were out for quite a bit."

Din shrugs. "Needed it," he replies simply. It's true: he hasn't gotten sufficient sleep in a long time. Even alone on the Razor Crest with you and the child, he has trouble falling asleep; the nighttime is when his protective senses reach an all-time high. His dreams are filled with horrors of what can happen to you both, and so he mainly resorts to staying awake and keeping an eye out—even in the middle of hyperspace.

"Good thing you're well-rested," Cara comments, gesturing with her head to the nearby village. "We're here."

Din sighs, stretching out a bit before looking back over at you. The child lets out an affectionate coo upon seeing Din, and he finds himself smiling a bit underneath his helmet. He reaches out a gloved hand to gently stroke one of the child's large ears, mindful of your warm gaze that's fixated on him. Once again, he tries to shake the feeling it brings him—and he's growing more and more unsuccessful at that.

Soon, the wagon comes to a halt. Din hops out first and helps you down, letting you use his hand as support. Cara needs no assistance, and soon the three of you are beginning to lug your belongings into the village. Din stalls back a moment to address the two farmers.

"As far as shelter goes," Din begins, his modulated voice firm. "I need those two—," he points out you and the child, "—to be in the same place as myself."

The farmers nodded, rushing ahead to greet their fellow villagers before the travelers have a chance to. Din catches up to you and Cara, hoping his absence hadn't been too noticeable.

As soon as the four of you arrive, the villagers have all grouped up to greet you warmly. Their gratitude and hospitality are obvious. Two women step forward particularly to meet you. One addresses Cara while the other approaches Din, you, and the child.

"Thank you so much for coming," she says, her voice smooth and sweet. "My name is Omera. Allow me to show you to your hut." She keeps a friendly smile on her face as she begins to walk towards the crowd of huts. You and Din follow her, and Din can feel your half-puzzled and half-concerned gaze on him for a moment as you walk.

Omera leads you both inside a rather small yet surprisingly spacious hut, already set with two cots and a crib for the child. Din watches as you smile gratefully at the villager. "This is perfect," your kind voice tells her. "Thank you so much."

"It's the least we can do," Omera assures you. "Let me know if there's anything else you need. I'll let you settle in." Din nods at her respectfully as you say another thank-you, watching as she exits the hut.

As soon as she's left, you turn to Din. "I don't know why they put us in the same place," you say, concern filling your tone. "They should know you'll need your own space—right?"

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