Chapter 23: The Settlement

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chapter 23: the settlement •••

The journey across the dune sea is easier than you'd been anticipating, but long. Although you've truly done nothing but sit upon the back of Din's speeder for most of the day, you find your eyelids fluttering closed as the twin suns begin to sink in the sky, your cheek resting against Din's back. You can feel the chuckle that radiates through his chest as his helmet quickly looks at you over his shoulder.

"You still with me, rid'ika?" Din questions, having to raise his voice above the rushing wind as the speeder pushes forward.

You nod, assuming the movement's been felt by Din as he focuses on the way ahead. "Mhm," you assure him tiredly, "just a lil' sleepy."

"Yeah?" Din says even more softly, releasing one of his hands from the handles of the speeder to set it over both of yours. "Hang in there for a little longer, cyar'ika. I can see a camp coming up."

"What do you mean?" you hum, not bothering to look up from the place on his back that's become so comfortable.

Your question mustn't have been loud enough, since Din doesn't answer you. Instead, he continues forward, slowing down after a few moments. Your curiosity's finally piqued enough for you to look up, your stomach dropping as the sight of a Tusken raider camp comes into view.

"Din!" you exclaim under your breath, pulling tight at the fabric of his shirt as you nearly try to hide yourself even more behind him. "Those are Tuskens!"

"It's all right," Din assures you, and you're amazed at how calm his voice is—especially once the Tuskens notice you. "I've got it."


"Cyar'ika, ner kar'ta, we've had this discussion before." He turns around to face you when he stops, one of his gloved hands brushing over your cheek as he gently rests the beskar against your forehead. "You can trust me."

You release a gentle breath and nod, placing your hand over his as you give him a small smile. Din nods in return, and you can sense that he wishes he could supply you with so much more affectionate reassurance but settles for what he's already done. He drops his hand from your cheek and stands up from the speeder, approaching the Tuskens who start to stand from where they've gathered around a fire. You wring your hands nervously as you watch him, soon also hearing the anxious cooing of your son from behind you. Quickly, you turn around, taking the little one in your arms as you give his ear a reassuring brush. "It's all right, ad'ika," you repeat Din's own words to you from before.

You look back to Din and the Tuskens when you hear them speaking. It's then that you realize it was Din you heard, his modulated voice offering the grunts and growls almost as easily as they do. Along with that, he uses his hands and arms to sign with them, easily carrying a conversation that you can't begin to keep up with. Your heart nearly melts at the sight. You've always known that Din's been extensive in his knowledge of the galaxy and other languages—hence his constant use of Mando'a—but you had no idea it extended this far. You bite back a smile during their entire exchange.

You're unable to keep your eyes from openly admiring him when he walks back in your direction. Din tilts his helmet at you, offering his hand to help you stand up from the bike. "What?" he questions gently, chuckling a bit as he gets your bags off the speeder.

"I... I had no idea you spoke Tusken," you confess, still smiling as Din leans back to tilt his helmet at you again while he shrugs in response. "What'd you say to them?"

"Not much," Din assures you. "I just said that my wife and our son needed to rest for the night and asked if we could borrow some lodging."

"Hey, but you need some rest, too," you remind him, nudging his arm with your shoulder when you start walking towards the Tuskens' camp. "Did you tell them that?"

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