Chapter 22: The Return

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chapter 22: the return •••

This town looks just as Din had described it to you.

You stay close to his side as you walk towards the dimly lit area, your hand hovering over your holster. The baby's pram is on Din's other side, causing you to look past him as you continuously make sure he's doing all right. When you spot the glowing red eyes of hidden creatures within the shadows, a shiver runs down your spine, and your heart aches when you hear the baby coo in a fearful manner at Din's side.

"I don't like this," you tell Din lowly, looking over at him to see his helmet focused on the way ahead.

"It's not much farther ahead," Din assures you. He gestures with his head towards a building where the outline of a man is standing just outside.

You hear a growling from the shadows and tighten your fists at your sides. "But, these creatures—."

"—won't hurt us unless we hurt them." Din finally looks over at you, tilting his helmet as he places his gloved hand along the small of your back. "Relax, riduur. I'll make sure it's all right."

You can already feel the tension leaving you at his touch and assurance. You nod as Din regretfully brings his hand back to his side—not wanting to show that kind of affection in front of anyone who might use it against you. The baby also seems more relaxed at Din's words, causing you to bite back a smile at his better understanding of the words you both speak.

You've had quite a bit of time to grow as a family since the day you exchanged your vows. You spent some time on Sorgan, laying low while Din ran his drills with his jetpack. You've noticed the growth both within him and your son, watching Din grow into his role as the leader of your clan while the baby begins to understand more about the galaxy around him. You've only recently started following up with Din's quest that's also now your own, gaining a lead that's brought you to the very town in which you stand.

Din brings you up to the man you'd spotted before, who you can now identify as a large Twi'lek. He nearly towers over your riduur as he looks between the two of you expectantly, giving a suspicious eye to your son.

"We're here to see Gor Karesh," Din says, his voice as firm as his stance. You keep your own gaze trained on the Twi'lek, not wanting to show any signs of intimidation or unease as you wait to get in.

After he observes your riduur enough, he moves to the side, making room for the three of you. "Enjoy the fights," he says, his voice low as he watches you all the way in. Your hand still floats over your holster even as you walk inside, closing the distance between yourselves and the loud roaring of a crowd.

You see the Gamorrean fighters first, their axes glowing with each strike as they're cheered on by the rowdy crowd. Your gaze immediately switches to the baby, concerned that his eyes are witnessing such a sight. You know he's seen worse—but constantly exposing him to such things worries you, especially now that you've officially become his adopted mother.

Din stops before the entrance gives way to the arena, leaning over to you without looking your way. "He's over there," Din tells you in a hushed voice, gesturing to a place in the arena opposite from where you stand. You see the one-eyed man Din had been describing to you earlier sitting in the front row. For some reason, there's a pit in your stomach—though you sense Din's feeling the same amount of unease. "I'm not sure who we can trust, so the less they know about us, the better." Din slyly points to an open place at the back of the crowd. "I'd like you two to wait there. If anything should happen, I'll handle it myself."

"And I'll wait for your signal if you need me," you finish, seeing Din nod to confirm your words. "All right. Just—."

"—stay safe," Din completes your sentence, chuckling a bit as his hand gently hovers over your lower back again. "I know. I will." He pauses, still remaining in place as you now share a gaze that lasts longer than usual. Din releases a grunt after some time, looking away with a frustrated swing of his helmet. "Haar'chak." Damn it. "I want to kiss you."

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