Aftermath (Interlude)

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aftermath (interlude) •••

"It's strange to be back here again," Cara remarks as she walks alongside you and Din. She's escorted the two of you to Sorgan, wanting to have a chance to both greet the villagers and say goodbye to you and Din for a little while. You know she'll be making as many visits as she can during your pregnancy—especially once the baby's born.

"You should stay for a bit," you encourage her, looking over at her as you walk closely to Din's side. His hand's been tight in yours ever since you left Gideon's cruiser, his grip on your hand like a vice. You know Din's still trying to recover from everything he's been through in the past few days, which is no small feat. Though you've been through a lot yourself, you're thankful that you weren't alone for it—but he was.

Cara's voice pulls you from your thoughts. "As much as I'd love to, I've already been away too long," she answers honestly. "Nevarro could be a crater now for all I know."

You laugh softly at that, giving her a nod. "Well, all right. As long as you come back to visit soon."

Cara gives you a reassuring smile. "Of course I will. Someone's got to free you from Mando's pregnancy prison."

Even Din chuckles at that, shaking his head as he looks over at Cara through his visor. "No, you won't. She needs to rest."

"And so do you, tin can," Cara jokes, though there's a serious edge to her tone.

"See, Din?" you begin, lifting an eyebrow as you look over at Din. "Another person who agrees with me."

Din shakes his head. "I'll be fine." Only you can hear the slight tremor in his voice, making you frown as you squeeze his hand for comfort.

Finally, you reach the break in the trees, catching sight of the krill ponds on Sorgan where you spent so much time before. The sight alone makes a wave of relief wash over you as a peaceful smile grows on your lips. Before the three of you can even think about making your arrival known, you hear a familiar childlike voice crying out with disbelief and joy.

"Mama!—Mama!" Winta calls, and you can easily spot her small figure running towards Omera and tugging on her skirt. "Look!" She points to the three of you, causing Omera to look your way with surprise and joy.

"Ms. Dune and the Djarins!" Omera remarks, smiling sweetly as she approaches the three of you. She embraces you first, running her hand over your back in a comforting manner before pulling away. She does the same for Din and Cara. "I didn't think we'd be seeing you again so soon."

"It's... been a rough couple of months, believe it or not," you remark, sharing a glance with Din for a moment before you look at Omera again. "But we completed our quest."

Omera looks around you, obviously making sure Grogu truly isn't with you as she smiles sadly. "I see." At her side, Winta's head falls, and Omera looks over at her as she encourages her to head back towards the village. "Well, you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like." Omera looks pointedly at Cara. "Will you need a place to yourself as well?"

"No, thank you," Cara responds with a nod and a smile. "I'm just their... chauffeur."

You snort with amusement as Omera furrows her brow. "I thought you had a—."

"It's a long story that's better suited for another day," you explain, feeling Din's hand tighten in your own at the thought of his lost ship. You turn towards Cara, smiling sadly and dropping Din's hand only to embrace her tightly. "Please come visit soon."

"I will," Cara assures you, running a hand over your back before she pulls away. "I can't let that baby go too long without knowing who their favorite aunt is."

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