10. A Walk of New Beginnings

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Every day was something different. I knew, when waking up in the morning, I could expect the unexpected. Each of Bee's family members were fun to get to know. Being with each of them was different. Bee's grandmother would tell me stories of her days in Laos. The little old lady could make a joke to have me laughing for day, just at remembering it. His parents, my parents, were fun to have chats with, as they taught me something new everyday. They loved to mess around with their kids, but had always knew who was craving what.

Compared to my family, Bee’s were a lot closer to each other. Where once I used enjoy the comfort of my own room alone, I now cherished every moment we hung out throughout the day. I had never spent so much time away from my bedroom before. Still, there were days I had to pull back and get some work done. But, as I was taking a break from filming, I spent a lot of that time enjoying the presence of my new family members.

Being with Bee's siblings made me closer to my own siblings. It made me miss my own family, wishing I had spent quality time, like I did with my new family, with them. Since I was unable to see them, I went to the next best thing. Writing to them every other day, making sure they were still okay. They wanted me to continue my vlogs, so they could at least see how I was doing.

When I looked back at my life, and compared it to my present, I could see how different things were. Not only with my surroundings, there was something I could feel within me changing. I thought I needed to move out to gain a better light of my goals in life, but I was wrong. Sure I would still love to have my own house one day, but I wouldn’t trade living alone for the life of learning about this family. I didn’t need to be alone to see the good in life, I needed to have new experiences. To live life full of new things, to share the greatest joys of life with someone else.


“I’m taking you out this weekend. Be ready for a hike. - Bee”

This was the note I received when waking up on a bright autumn day. It had not yet gotten cold, still many good days of warmth ahead. After getting the note, I check the internet and the weather forecasted for the weekend was to be a good one. I had to wonder about the invitation out for the week. There was no denying that I was excited. Hiking had been something I had wanted to do for awhile now. While I was ecstatic about the outing, I couldn't help think about the possibilities.

Bee had never asked me to go somewhere with him before. We had occasional outings, but they were almost always accompanied by Sophie and Chia. In the past few weeks, Bee had tried hard to make sure I was busy during the weekends, and even some weekdays when he came back early. He took me out to explore the city, making sure I knew the new city I was living in. But we had Sophie or Chia when either one as free. I could not help but wonder if this going to be a family outing, and he was just warning me about it? Or was my mind that brave to think that we would be alone, away from home?

The promised Saturday morning came. While I was still unsure of when I should have woken up, I tried my best to wake up as early as I could. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait for my alarm clock set at 6. With some noise of rustling around the room, I get woken up. In a daze, I look around, not seeing much. After not seeing anything from my view of the wall, I try a different method. Sitting up, I try to blink away the sleep in my eyes, with that not working out, I rub my eyes slowly. Turning around, I see Bee moving around the room. His back was to me, making it hard for me to see what he was up to.

“You’re up early,” I said, as I look down to my phone. It was five in the morning, a bit earlier than I had anticipated.

Bee turns around to face me, a smile on his face. “We have to get an early start. The drive takes up a bit of time and the hike will be awhile.”

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