04. The Breaking Point

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I was sitting in my bedroom....  We had made the promise of a commitment. He was coming to pick me up from my house. I was to wait for his call and leave with him. At a young age of 18, I was convinced he was my soulmate, my other half. With his promise, I saw our future together.

Waiting for his call had my heart jumping, I was sure my sisters could hear from their room over. We had talked last night and he assured me everything was going to go as planned. He was ready for me and he was going to talk to his family about it.

Our promised time was three in the afternoon. I was going to sneak out when he was ready to pick me up. Since I had all this planned with him, I didn’t want to involve my family. I had forbidden myself from talking to them. I made it seem like I wanted alone time, which was true in a sense.

While I sat waiting for him, I grabbed a book, thinking I could use this time to read. After a few moments, I realized how useless it was as I was reading the same sentence over and over with no real sense of what was being said. Throwing the book aside I let out a frustrated sigh.

There was built up excitement, dread, and fear. What if he didn’t come in time and my father found out. What if my sisters found out and ratted out to our mother. What if he doesn’t show up at all?

I started to pace the tiny room with the phone in hand. Staring at the screen, I wondered if it was best to call and see how things were moving along.

Minutes passed and the clock ticked down to 3. I stared at the round clock sitting on my desk. The little hand ticking as it went round in circles. If I continued to watch it I felt like I would have been hypnotized. Snapping out of it, I took another look at the time and realized it was only seconds to 3.

The beating of my heart doubled. I felt dizzy with anticipation of what was going to happen. I had to sit down and take a few deep breaths. Pressing the power button on my phone, the screen lit up. The wait of this minute felt longer than the whole morning.

Seconds passed and turned into minutes. Worry flowed into me at a crazy rate. It was taking longer than it should have. Running to my window, I check to see if I could spot his car. No sight of his car, as it would have stuck out from the rest.

Quarter passed 3 and dread filled me. With shaking hands I find go to the first name in my list of favorites. Pressing the call button I lift the phone to my ear.

As I listened to the tone I hoped against all hope he was running late. I listened to the tone as it went on till it started with his voicemail. Hanging up, I tell myself that I shouldn’t be worried yet. Something came up and he was caught up in something. He was still going to come. He had to come, he promised.

Another 15 minute passed, and another. Nobody called or texted me in the lengthened time frame. I decided to call him again. Call after call was turned to voicemail. After calling relentlessly it soon went to voicemail as soon as I called his number. His phone was off.

Staring at my phone I see the number of times I tried calling him. 47 times and not once did he pick up? I wasn’t sure if there were tears in my eyes or my vision was going blurry.

At the sound of a knock at my door, I wipe away the wetness around my eyes.

“Who is it?” I ask.

“It’s Lia. I need to tell you something.”

“Can it wait till tomorrow? I don’t want to talk right now.”

“No, it cannot wait. You have to know now. It has to do with Adam.”

At hearing my boyfriend’s name I run to the door and let my sister in.

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