24. Definition of Perfect

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Five Years Later...

"When are they going to get here again?" Bee said, walking into the library of our house.

"Soon. Any minute. They're probably just in the driveway. Stop worrying."

"They said 11 am. It's quarter past already."

"You're still worrying. They'll get here when they get here. Make sure you don't burn the food. And can you warm up a milk for Alan. It's time for his meal again."

"Honey, I'm only one man."

"Okay. You're right. I'll come and get the bottle. Watch the food."

Laying down Alan, I get up to go to the kitchen. Bee walks with me. We don't get far though. The doorbell rings and it's our family is waiting on the other side.

"They're here!"

"Ugh.. I'll get the bottle. You get the door."

Things were going great. It may have seemed like we were arguing all the time, but we were happy. And yes, Alan is our child. After a few years of relaxing, we decided to start trying to have a baby. Not long after, we were given the joyous information that I was pregnant.

The first few months were the hardest. I cried, Bee cried, and Alan... I seriously wondered if he was colic. But everything was good and healthy.

On this spectacular day, Sophie and Kaelyn were coming back from their trip. Chia and Matt had gone to pick them up and we were going to hang out for the day. We hadn't hung out with the six of us in a long time. Plus, the girls were going to live with us for a while. Since coming back, they didn't have the time to find a new place yet.

With excitement, I open the door. On the other side, I'm greeted by four of my favorite people.

"Come in, come in," I tell them. Of course after our screaming subsided.

"Where is he? Where is my nephew?" Sophie said, right after taking off her shoes.

"Oh, I see how it is. You miss him more than me."

"Yes, yes I do. Now where is he? We can hug after I hug him."

"He's in the library."

Sophie and Kaelyn run towards the room, and scream at the sight of him. Bee soon follows after with a bottle.

"Would you like to feed him?" I hear him say as he walks in.


While they entertained Alan, I brought Chia and Matt into the living room. Matt stayed for a while but then decided to leave to talk with Bee in the backyard. After feeding Alan, Sophie carried her nephew out, with Kaelyn at her side.

"I fed him," Sophie said.

"Great. Now all you need to do is burp him. Just pat his back till it comes out. We don't want him throwing up all over you."

We all sat, and I watched them adore the child.

"You guys did good, this kid is cute," Kaelyn said.

"Aww thanks," I said.

For the next few minutes we shared insignificant news. And with a check up on Bee and the food, I helped set up the table. We were sure that they would be hungry after their long trip, and had worked all morning for their food.

We were having pho. In between watching Alan, I had prepared everything. Bee was just waiting on the soup and cutting up cooked meat. After making sure to have all the ingredient on the table, I called them over.

Alan had fallen asleep after eating and it was the perfect time for us to eat.

There was a fuss to get all our bowls ready, and when we were all satisfied with our mixture, we sat down to eat and talk.

"Tell us," I said, facing the two opposite me, "How was your trip?"

Sophie smiled, glancing at Kaelyn, who smiled back, before she spoke. "It was amazing. Like we said, we went to South Korea, and it was beautiful there. So many things to see and do. But after a while Kaelyn started to take me everywhere.

We went to The Netherlands, the first country to legalize gay marriage. We got married there."

She spoke in such a nonchalant way, as if the biggest news of all wasn't even that big.

"You guys did what?" Chia said with shock.

"You guy are married?" Bee asked, eyes wide.

"That's awesome. Congrats," I tell them.

Matt smiled and offered them a congrats as well.

Sophie nodded to her siblings, as Kaelyn took her hand, holding on to it on top of the table.

"I know it seems like we were just playing around, and we didn't know each other for that long. But I love Kaelyn."

"And, I love Sophie," Kaelyn added.

"Wow," was all Bee could say.

"We missed each other's wedding day? Ever since we were children, being the only two girls, I had always wanted to be there for you."

"I know, I'm sorry. I thought about all of you guys on that day, especially you Chia. But you didn't miss all of it. Kaelyn and I are having one more wedding ceremony. We may be married in other countries, but not in the United States yet. We're going tomorrow to get it legalized, and we want you guys to go as the witness."

"Other countries? What do you mean by that?" I asked, curious by her words.

"After The Netherlands, we went to Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, South Africa, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and at one point we were in Canada, all that we have left is here at home."

"I don't know if that is most romantic idea ever or the craziest," Bee said, shaking his head.

"It was super romantic," Sophie said, looking at Kaelyn. They move in on each other and lay a peck on the lips. As crazy as it was, we all smiled and continued eating while they shared their stories.

I was happy for them to overcome the difficulties they had, and the ones they will face. To come back home and still want to have one more official wedding was amazing. It was going to be a long journey for them, but I could see how much they loved each other, and how much they were willing to do to be together.

Everything in life was going great. Sure there were bad days, but the good always outweighed the bad. And everything about the good was worth it.

I may have made my promises out of pride, but I kept them for love. And now every time Bee held out his hand to me, I think back to that moment in my parent's kitchen. His hands, so unfamiliar and untrustworthy, were reaching out to me. And now those hands were the first thing I grabbed every morning, to walk into everyday with him.

Everything with him was a mystery. He gave his protection too soon and too much. His actions and words terrified me at the beginning. Bee confused me, since every situation I had heard about this in the past had always been bad. He was nice, caring, and trusting. I was scared to be anybody to him, scared that the future may never be that nice.

After countless of drama in our life, the months and days we had together, I could see how good he was. He was consistent in his action, he kept his words, and he loved me even though I offered nothing back to him.

Life may not have gone the way I wished it had, being independent on my own and living the life of me, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the word. After overcoming the tragedy of a failed relationship and depression, I was so determined to live life only for me, but with my unwanted promise, I saw how wrong I was. I had to go through another turmoil to see how life should be shared with those who I loved and loved me back.

Bee and I may not be the perfect couple, but it's fine, we weren't perfect to start out with.

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