03. Life of a Married Girl

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There were hints everywhere. Even I could see them. Bee had said them, Chia mentioned them. After my self-conflictions, I thought about who this guy was. What happened in his past to choose such a path? He was to be the man I was to spend the rest of my life with. I wanted to know his reasons for choosing me and for not backing out of this open ended choice.

The shopping trip ended faster than I thought. Who knew looking through clothes and other necessities could be relaxing. Even with two girls I hardly knew, everything was picked out with care. Sophie really did prove to read and know my blogs.

The drive back home was no more comfortable than the first drive. As soon as we reached the threshold, Gabe had ran off. Chia crabbed walked away with all the bags, and Sophie followed after.

It was as if they knew the parents would be waiting for our return.

“Come in here and let’s talk for a second,” Bee’s father called from in the kitchen.

“Let’s get this done with,” Bee whispered to me. Grabbing my hand, he leads us to the table in the medium sized kitchen.

I had yet to go in there and it was no different to any other Hmong kitchen I had seen in the past. In the middle, stood a table, with Bee’s parents sitting. The only person to surprise me was his grandmother, who I did not see that morning. Bee pulled out a chair and gestured for me to sit.

Bee’s father waited for us to be seated before he started.

“The wedding date has been chosen. Your father and our relatives have agreed on two weeks from now. Grandma has been waiting to meet you.”

I look over at the elderly lady and smile my best at her. She was my grandma’s friend and I couldn’t be mean to her.

“Daughter, you remind me of Paj when we were younger. I am happy to have you be part of our family. You were meant to be part of this family with good intentions.”

A few more words were said from everybody before Bee’s grandma got too tired to keep going.

Bee once again grabbed my hand and led me away from the kitchen.

“Can you stop holding my hands in front of your parents,” I said pulling them away as soon as we reached the hallway.

“Does it matter when we’re married? It’s not like I am kissing you or hugging you.”

“It’s not polite. And I hardly know you or like you at the moment.”

“Okay that’s fine. Maybe later in the future we will get to hand holding.”

We reach his bedroom and come in to find all the bags of bought clothes there.

“It’s almost time to sleep. You can choose some clothes to change into, I’ll go change in the bathroom,” Bee said to me.

Bee starts rummaging through his drawers for a change of clothes. While I search for items I remember being bought for me.

While Bee was away,  it was nice to get some time away from everyone. I was finally allowed to do something that was not needed supervising. I was in a different surrounding, but it was good to be my own person again.

With the moment I had to myself, I remembered all that I had left undone back at home. I had finished reading another book, and was going to sit down to write about it. There was a video to be edited so it would meet my self-assigned deadline.

When all the chaos was ensuing, my phone sat on the kitchen counter, forgotten. It left me with no phone to access the internet at the moment. There was no way to inform my readers who usually waited for a daily update.

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