17. To Walk a New Path

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Even if I was determined, my new image would take time to form. Even if I wished, I couldn't wake up one morning a new person. If we could all bounce back from our darkest place and step into a bright palace, our world would be in turmoil. The road to happiness came with obstacles, whether we liked them or not.

Ever since cutting my hair, I was waking up with new hopes, and new ideas. For now that was going to have to work. With those new hopes, and ideas, I would take them a step further and continue on with my journey of figuring out who I was.

Since childhood, I had kept journals, and even now I still sit down to write out my daily life. I was trying to figure out the world, trying to fit puzzles of my life together, trying to keep sane as possible by consoling myself. It was through this task that I decided to pluck up the courage and do something with all my thoughts. We were in a new age, and everything was going digital. I was iffy about sharing my darkest secrets, but under a false name I would let my story come to life.

With my new goal, I started to recount the moments of my life before meeting Adam. Through writing, I realized how badly I needed to go back to school. I was doing average as a writer and I wanted to further work on my skills.

Without telling anybody, I enrolled myself into the nearest college. Having moments of celebrations were over in my lifetime. As much as I wanted to share my news, I rather wait till I finished with something truly worth being excited about. After everything I had been through. With never applying and hoping for a life of marriage, I couldn't even imagine what people would have to say about me. That girl who had been dumped is trying to move on in her life? Who does she think  she is? Does she think she is better than us?

My parents were shocked but they solemnly handed me my letter from the college. I had been accepted.

"What is that? Why is the college sending you letters?"

"Nothing. It's nothing. They just want money," I tell them. Trading their wisdom for my money. What an investment this country was making. Without that wisdom though, I was nothing. I pushed back my thoughts and signed up for classes.

I continued my story as I secretly went to classes, making sure to update as much as I could. Plus writing makes perfect and I could see my writing grow every day as I wrote. Along side my story, I had a blog about books I had been reading or have already read in the past. With a little push from readers, I started a YouTube channel. There were other book reviewing channels, and my readers wanted to see me. They were curious to see the girl behind the thoughts, as they had put it. And surprisingly the videos had a good outcome, expanding my presences to the world of writing and reading.

I came to have a schedule on a daily base. Going to classes in the morning, coming home to write, read, and work on homework. I loved it. I loved doing what made me happy. And one day it changed. Out of nowhere an opportunity came my way. I was contacted to have my story published on a website, and when it was done it would get published as a book. They gave me time to think about it. And I did, I thought about it. Did I want my life story, made fiction, come to life on a known website and one day as a book? I had already broken many privacy rights, and did I want to share it knowing the world had a key to it?

I made my reasonings. Even if people found out who I was and what I had done with my privacy, it was my choice. I would deal with the consequences when they came my way. Since it was my choice I knew I would have to take on the chance of it going all wrong. Like the choice of dating Adam, I had come to terms with my mistakes. If this was to be another one, I would learn from it gladly. Contacting the agent, I agreed.

The only difference, working under a name now, I had deadlines with writing my story. I had to be sending a chapter in every week. I knew I would have to elongate my story or otherwise everything would end too soon. My past readers loved the new secret details and my new readers excited to see more writing.

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