01. The Meeting

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It was time to move on. I loved being home with my family, but I was stuck. Nothing I did was helping me to move on in a better direction. My family did silently support me. Even when my parents didn't understand what I was doing, they allowed me to work towards my dream. Their support was everything I could ask for. Yet, I felt tied down. And after much deliberation, I decided it was time. I would step out of my comfort zone and do more with my life. Have, what some would call, an adventure.

I was set on telling them. Too much time had already passed since I set my foot down on my decision. But I was struck with worry, scared of the outcome. I was going to try something nobody would have expected out of me. To everybody I was the good girl who stayed home and looked after my parents. But I also knew if I didn't speak up now, my dreams would be silenced forever.

My plan was going perfect, they day was just another normal day. Nothing was more perfect for my plans to be known then a normal day. Breakfast was made, the table was set, and the family was notified of food being ready. We moved on normally as we ate, and of course at the end of it nobody was willing to help clean up. While the rest of the family sat down in the living room to continue watching their shows, I dragged my sister with me to help.

The both of us led very busy life away from house chores, and we always started them with the mindset to get things done the right way the first time. We moved in a fast pace, making the kitchen into its once perfect condition.

As my hands moved through the motions of washing dishes, my mind wandered into different topics. I tended to do that, letting my hands and feet take control while my mind drifted off. It was something I was working on to stop doing, especially during drives. I allowed my mind to drift today, since there was so much to think of. My heart was beating loudly and it was throwing itself against my chest. I wanted to hold it in place. But with Tina next to me, I didn't want to show my nerves.

My life was never smooth sailings. When I was going through difficult times in the past and I had to tell my family what was going on in my life, I was never this nervous. I was never this excited. I had been living for my family, living to make them as happy as they could while I set up my dream. I lived with my parents for over 21 years, and as much as they relied on me, I relied on them just as much. They never asked me for much, but I also knew they had expectations. I had set the bar high for my siblings, and I knew my parents were expecting great things out of me. But now, I had to step away from it all, I had to live for me. I had to take that big step in life and do more. I knew I had big potentials, yet I was being held back. I would never get anywhere if I was stuck and I felt stuck.

When I decided to move out, I had started to look for apartments. The images of the perfect place for me floated into my mind. And a smile came across my face. I had chosen the place the second I set my eyes on it. My paper work was all written down, and I would be going down today to hand them in. All I needed was my family's approval.

My family was different from others in the Hmong community. My dad was a respected shaman. He received the gift from his father and so forth from our ancestors. Having this title did make the life of my siblings and me a little difficult. Having visitors, seeking him out, every other day was normal. From a young age, my sisters and I got used to talking to different people and serving water to guests.

I was just glad that he was not given the title of town representative. Even more people would be looking up to him and his kids to set examples for the town.

And as expected as could be, the doorbell was rung. Before Tina could settle into helping me, she ran for the door. I couldn't understand her fascinations with greeting our guests, but she liked to do it, and I would rather it be her than me.

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