Part 5: Sorting

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I ignored them as best I could but my creature was restless and I was not able to ignore them. They were constantly trying to drag me into their bikering and they were constantly shouting at each other.

I slammed my book shut an growled, "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!"

"Ah not in the mood I see..." A voice said from the doorway, Draco Malfoy.

"Piss off Malfoy." Ron spat.

"Really weasel? Doesn't your Daddy know? What's happening this year? Oh! I forgot your Daddy doesn't have any idea what's going on.... ministry doesn't feel nice to tell your father any thing. HA!" Draco chided.  Ron, Ginny and Hermione drew their wands, so did Draco and his two goons.

But they were saved by the trolley which who came on time and said, "Oh dears... go to your own compartments and put away your wands. Comeon go. Quit fighting."

They reluctantly put them away. And Draco Malfoy and his goons huffed and left.


I was sitting in the great hall when a line of nervous looking first years entered the hall with Professor McGonagall in their lead. I couldn't help but remember the first time I was at their place, waiting to be sorted. I remembered when hat wanted to put me in Slytherin House, but I refused. I couldn't help but think if resort was possible.

As the line of the first years finished, the hat shouted, "I would like to resort a student who was wrongly sorted due to his wish. But now he has learnt his mistake and I really want to resort him into his original house. HARRY POTTER! Please step forward and let me sort into your own house."

It was like a dream come true for me. I happily went over to the hat while rest of the hall was stunned into silence. I placed the hat on my head and the hat said in my mind

"I told you Mr. Potter Griffindor was never your original house. Your original house was Slytherin and I would very much like to announce it to the school...........SLYTHERIN!!!!!" The hat announced the last part out loud. Red of my robes instantly changed into green and the gold changed to silver. The Griffindor crest at my chest changed into Slytherin, Silver Snake and a Green background. There was a collective gasps from the students and teachers alike.

I set the hat back on the stool and was walking over to the end of the table but a hand stopped me from going any further, "uh...... let the feast begin." Headmaster said and everyone broke into whispers. I glanced at the person whose hand was stopping me. Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. I raised my eyebrow in question. "Uh... I to tell you that... if you want you can come to me for anything...... my offer from first year is still open." He shuttered.

I extended my hand," Harry. Harry Potter. "

Malfoy shook it. "Draco. Draco Malfoy."


A/N: hello there !

The next chappy is here ! As I promised!



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