Part1: Letters 📬

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I walk to the house. Number 4 Pivet Drive I sighed and knocked at the door, only to be met by a punch in my stomach.

'So......You're home. Give me your things and go to your room.' Uncle Veron said. I just shut my mouth and went upstairs. I landed on my bed with a crash and closed my eyes.

Weeks passed away with daily beatings and tortures on me by Uncle Veron, But one day I was in my room crying because my ankle was broken when uncle in his fit of anger threw me from the top of my stairs down to the ground floor.

The pain was awful. My ankle felt like it was on fire, when I felt a cloth on my foot. I opened my eyes to see Dudley silently putting a bandage on my foot. He looked up to me and put his finger on his lips to tell me to keep silent.

My mouth hung open and Dudley laughed.

In some time my foot was bandaged and he was sitting next to me on my bed with the door locked.

'What got into you that you helped me?' I asked him in a small voice.

'Can't I help my younger brother? I have my full right to do that. Don't I?' he said smiling.

I was shocked to hear his answer. This was an understatement. My mouth hung open. Dudley laughed.

'Close your mouth you silly, or a fly will get in.' I instantly closed it and blinked my eyes several times.

'Harry I am not sure if you want to do this but.....I want you to be my younger brother. Not enemies like we have been 'till now. I really want to be your brother and act like one. Will you accept my offer?'

I smiled and nodded. 'Ofcource big brother.' We both laughed.

Since that day, I and Dudley were in good terms. We both would share our happiness and sadness, pain and anger in the privacy of either of our rooms and in time we became closer than even real brothers and best friends.

I couldn't believe it. It was almost like a dream. Now finally when my birthday came, Dud made sure that I didn't get any beatings from them, and I was really happy ofcourse I was not allowed to express any of it before them except with Dudley. He was in my room this morning when owls started to arrive.

First one was from the Weasleys: Mrs Weasley's red sweater, Ron's chocolate frogs and Fred and George's prank sweets.

The second one was from Hagrid. It was a purse with a chain and prickly thorns. I laughed.The door bell rang and a voice said 'Parcel!' Dud dashed down the stairs and came in after a few minutes with a package. He held it out to me. 'It was close. Dad almost got me. I made an excuse that my friend sent it to me but it's for you'

I looked at it, confusion written all over my face. It was a package in the size of diary. I saw a familiar writing on its front.

To: Harry Potter.
Number four Pivet Drive.

From: Hermione Granger.

I smiled to myself. 'Its from my best friend. Hermione. She is a muggle-born plus she doesn't have an owl so she sent it by post.' I explained to Dudley and he nodded.

'So what is it?' he asked as I opened the package. It was a book that I already had.

I handed it to Dudley. 'You can have it. I already have it. You'll find it interesting. Wanna try HOGWARTS: A HISTORY?'

His eyes lit with excitement and he nodded and opened the book.
'Oh My my! The pictures are moving! Like a Video!'

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