Part 6: Grandmother

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"Mr. Potter! What was that?" Professor McGonagall asked stone faced.

McGonagall may be a Griffindor but she was never involved in the whole 'incident.'

"Uh..... Nothing Professor, I was just irritated I guess."he said sheepishly, rubbing back of his neck.

"hmm? You were irritated. Correct. And you deemed it fit for insulting Head master in front of the whole school. Correct?"

Harry nodded honestly. "Yes professor. His deeds made him Dumb-as-a-door."Harry stated. "Mr. Potter..... I'll not accept this kind of nonscence in my presence. He is a wise man. I respect him, everyone respects him, you should do that too."

"But professor, he has done many things that even you will be shocked and disgusted to hear, believe me on this Professor."

"Now what –" harry kept his shrunken inheritance papers on the table of te Professor and unshrunk them. He kept his hand on the papers and said quietly, "Professor you were like a grandmother to me and I am grateful for that, but you must Promise me that you won't reveal this information to anyone, this con not be known by any third person."

McGonagall regarded the Ex- Griffindor in front of her, her heart softening, no one had ever called her or rather admitted to her this, and if she is honest with herself she also loved harry in a grandmotherly kind of way, permitting him to have fun and sneaking out sometimes but strict and disciplined when the situation is serious.

"Okay Mr. Potter, this is a word of an Honorary Grandmother to an honorary grandson." She said, smiling slightly. Harry grinned widely and passed the Papers to McGonagall but not before asking, "so you accept being my grandmother? Can I call you grandma Minnie? I have always wanted to cal you that. Please professor?" "Uh, okay, but just in private, not before anyone. Plus do not accept any special treatment due to that." "Ah don't worry about that Professor, brace yourself for the surprises ahead." Being a quick reader that she is he read the two parchments and her eyes darkened with every word she read, but when she got to the mate part she was struggling to keep a straight face, she knew who this 'Egyptian Sphinx' was very clearly "Harry, tell me who your mate will be, I would very much love to know." She managed to speak out before turning back to parchments again.

"Ok Grandma Minnie....... Hmm? That sounds good."

"Shut up," McGonagall chuckled, softly. She had always wanted to have someone who called her Grandma but never had anyone for that task, and now it warmed her heart that there is someone to fill that place, even if it was Honorary, it didn't matter to her.

"I can't believe he did this Harry..... I am really very Adrian. I'll be calling you Ad."

"Deal sealed." Adrian grinned shrinking the papers and heading to potions.


Here we are.....One more chapter, one day before promised! hope you liked it!


what was the name of Hagrid's Dragon in First year?

If you have any ideas, feel free to comment guys.....

Critisism is also allowed, but not potentially foul language please!


hunteress0101( @vitasta0101 )

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