Part 15: The Prophecy

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Sorry guys! I was very busy.... 😓😓 So I couldn't update. I had my exams, so study tok most of my time. Amd after them I had my grading test of Karate. 😅 And the it took most of my time. 😅 Hopefully you'll understand. But now I am back on the track. And I'll update soon!

And yeah. I know. What you must be thinking after the last chapter. You must be like: WHAT THE HECK DID SHE JUST DO?! 

And just saying that I love shipping my favourite characters of different stories. 😁 Forgive me! Anyways on with the story......

"Yes you can but only if you won't make a mess. And I supervise you." Severus said to Percy .

"Ok.", the boy shrugged look around the classroom ad his graze locked with Adrian who guestured to the cupboard beside him classroom his graze locked with Harry, and he guestured to the cupboard behind him.

Percy couldn't tell why but he had liked the two males since the first eye contact. Ad he wanted to be friends with Adrian and Severus.

It felt right. It was as if they both had a magnet in them that was pulling him towards them, pleading for knowing about them more.

Percy quickly collected the required ingredients and kept them on the nearest work table, and set to work instantly, oblivious to the pairs of eyes staring at him.

In an hour, (I made this up) the Potion was almost ready. Just a ten minute gap and it would be ready. Just a ten minute gap and then he needed to add lacewing seeds and the unicorn hair. Percy sat and leaned back in his chair, and streched his body after a hour of continuous standing and brewing.

Percy looked around the class. There were sitting desks all around the room, lined in four rows. Big tables were set at the sides of the class for Potion making. At a raised platform was the teachers desk, and behind it was the storage cupboard.

Percy glanced at Snape and Harry. Percy didn't know why but, he could have sworn that their forms were flikering constantly.

At first he would see Harry's green eyes, the next moment they would be brown with red specks. As for Professor Snape, it was a totally different level. At one moment he could see a man in his thirty's and other moment he would see a 16 year old teen.

Before he could investigate further, the timer of the Potion he was working on, went off. His graze snapped to the cauldron on his table. He added a lacewing seed and a unicorn hair and watched as it turned soothing shade of sky blue. He held up the Potion that he has transferred to a bottle and examined it with satisfaction. He cleaned the table and went up to the professor's desk. Just as he was about to hand him the potion to check, there was a flash of light.

Percy glanced towards the centre of the classroom where now stood three people.

"Wha- Oh" Percy started but was cut off.

"Look Percy, Apollo is going to give a big prophecy, even important than the prophecy of the Seven. The situation is grave. Fates themselves told us to come here and have Apollo deliver the prophecy to you three." One of the man who was Poseidon, the God of Seas, horses, storms, and earthquakes said. Percy glanced back to see two utterly shocked people.

Poseidon and Zeus were able to make a protective bubble around the three, just in time, as Apollo's eyes glowed and he started speaking in his true Godly voice.

"The darkness threatens to rise,
With night and dark together by one side.
The son of sea shall take his final stand, while two creatures hold his hand.
Time shall be powerful than ever,
Trying to take control of light forever.
With help of father of all,
Shall the three save the world from a terrible fall."


Soooooo the next chapter is out again. Tell me what you think!

Let's see you all soon!
My Demiwiches and demiwizards!



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