Part 23 : Caught in the net

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Percy's heart jumped to his throat and he swallowed hard, as he stared at the letter. He jumped into air – but he'll never admit it – when he felt someone hook their arm around hs beck in a friendly manner. He was hit with familiar smell of old books and sweat.

No one could say looking at her that she would like to read. "Yo Preecy! Hum........ A letter huh?" Clarisse said as she made a grab fo the letter. "Hey!" Percy said as he let her have it.

"Aaha Lover boy...... I would suggest you to read it right now if you would prefer me to stay quiet. " She smirked at him mischievously.

Percy rolled his eyes as he elbowed her in her hard abs. What?! But opened the letter anyways, his heart thudding in his chest.

Dear Percy.

I know you didn't expect this to happen, and this all thing about mates, Harry and I would like to talk about it today, if you don't mind.

And if you accept it, please come to dugeons tonight, after the Choosing ceremony.

Take your time all you want, e don't want to force you into anything, Harry is just having my head for me to tell you to talk. As he already knows me, pretty well, must I say, he now wants you to know you too fast. I admit I do too.

But take all the time you want. Of you don't want to talk today, you can talk whenever you feel okay. And remember we both are there there for you o matter what. Remember that.

~S & H

"You should talk to them. You'll have to face it eventually. And yes. I want you to tke me to meet them." She says, using Percy's baby seal eyes on him like a small baby, throwing a tantrum for a Candy.

Percy throws his hands in the air, and smiles. Before looping his arms around Clarisse's back. Who carries him to their tents, laughing, as she gives him a Piggy back ride.

She's very strong. She's Ares's daughter after all.


Adrian was heading up to the castle after the long school day, with last period as herbology.

"Hey Harry, who is she?" Blaise asked looking at someone's direction.

Adrian tilts his head to side on seeing the unfamiliar girl.

She was crouched down, and was picking up something from the ground. She had black straight hair that reached her waist, Warm brown eyes and she wore a black hoodie ad white - cream pants and combat shoes.

As if sensing their eyes on her she turned around and   started walking towards them.

"Hi Harry!" She said cheerily.

"Umm hi? Can I help you? " Adrian says unsure.

"No. No. I just wanted to tall you that a boy...... Has asked you to be at the owlery at 5 today. As to bring the Big dude wth you too." She winked and left. Leaving everyone but Adrian and everyone confused.

Everyone looked at one other other than Adrian who looked at her retreating figure, she - as if sensing him - turnes around and her eyes flash purple and she helds up a familiar ring.

She was Hecate.

A smile tugged at his lips as he understood who he has to meet in 30 min.

"What did she mean?"

Adrian put on a confused look, before shrugging. Their eyes galzed over slightly befor they too shrugged and moved on.

Adrian left his things in his room and excused himself to go to Library, but headed to dungeons instead.

He knocked at the office door of Severus and waited. In a second he was at the door looking as grumpy qs ever with us hair as usual hung down the sides of his face. "Mr. Potter?"

"Yes Professor."

Percy wants us to meet him at owlery at five. He said through their mind link.

He nodded and looked at his watch. 10 minutes.

Harry turned to leave knowing full well about the two students in the office for detention.

Snape turned to Ron and Hermione, and pointed to the pile of cauldrons in a corner. "Clean them till 6. No wands or magic. I'll definitely know if you use. Or get help. You'd wish your detention was with Mr. Flinch instead. " With a wave of his hand he summoned their wands to him and left the room.

He kept a distance between Adrian and himself so as to not look suspicious. Soon after they were ascending the steps of the owlery together. As they beared the door, they heard voices shouting, and someone shrieking with fear.

When they opened the door, they saw a sight that made them very shocked and conserned.

There was Percy struggling against some big girl wanting to get to Draco, who was cowering in the corner. They watched as the girl managed to restrain him wit just one arm and bit her other wrist, drawing blood and attached her wrist to Percy's mouth.

The moment he made contact with the blood and he stopped struggling and happily sucked in the girl's blood. She turned to look at them and said "Heal his finger, he's bleeding."

Oh now Severus understood what had happened there. Most probably, Draco had got his finger bitten by a owl and it was bleeding. The blood made Percy 's Vampire hungry and wanted to attack him.

"Episky" he said.

And the cut on Draco's hand healed up.

"What the hell just happened?"

Everyone except Draco looked at one another before Adrian turned to Draco and started explaining



Hi guys long time no see?
How do you think the story will be turn up?

And do you like this friendship between Percy and Clarrise?

And who should I pair up Clarrise with?


2) Daphne

3) Some Oc (message me the name and characteristics.)

4) keep her unpaired.

If anyone of you uses Telegram, then subscribe to my Channel there : @book_stanerz

C ya soon!


P.s - Plz so chk out my other stories too. I'll be making my own in some days. It's first 3 chapters are ready.

Chk it out😊

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