Babygirl gotta Baby...

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Phyllis POV

After we arrived at the house, I knew I had some explaining to do. Mr. J, Aunite Mary, Jordan, Mic, Jon, and John sat in the living room while Chris, Andrew, and DeLeah are at the kitchen table. They all looked at me and I sighed. "That's my ex-boyfriend Andrew. I lost my virginity to him and tA-DA! DeLeah came. Born on June 10th...My mom's birthday." The room fell silent for a brief second. "Wow. My baby ain't a baby no more." Jordan replied. "She's all grown up now." John agreed. "How are you taking care of her if she's here and you're in Virginia?" Mr. Brown asked. "Actually, she stays around the corner from me. Andrew and I are co-parenting." I replied. I turned to Mic and Jon. "It's the "babysitting" job I do every weekend." Mic and Jon looked shocked once they made the connection. "Does Dad know?" Jon asked. The room fell silent again. I sighed and replied, "No." "What?" the room exclaimed. "Dad wanted me to get an abortion. I couldn't do it. That summer, Andrew and I ran away and gave birth to her in a different county." I looked at Mic and Jon. "Please don't tell Dad. I'm sorry for putting you in this position but Lord knows what he would do if he found out that DeLeah's alive." Jon and Mic looked at each other before looking back at me. "I'm not going to say anything," Jon said. "Me either. You have our word." Mic agreed. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. DeLeah runs towards me with a picture in hand. "MOMMY LOOK!" She hands me a picture of me and her holding hands with a big heart around us. "Aww! Thank You, baby. I love it." I kissed her on her forehead and sat her on my lap. She yawns and leans up against my chest. Within minutes, she fell asleep. I placed her on the loveseat and put my jacket around her small body. I walked over to the window and look out. I close my eyes and I let silent tears roll down my face. One: My mother's gone. Two: I'm adopted. What ELSE can go wrong?? I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Auntie Mary. "Baby, are you ok?" I sighed. "I'll be OK," I replied honestly. "I'm just letting reality sink in. I can't believe that no one told me all of this before today. It just makes today that much harder because I have so many questions." I sighed as Aunt Mary puts her hand on my shoulder. "Well, you know you will always be my baby niece." I smiled. That's the best news I've heard all day. "Yes, Ma'am." I give her a hug when Jon came in. "I'm sorry to interrupt but...Dad called. He brought our plane tickets and we have to catch an early flight." My face dropped. "When do we leave?" "First thing in the morning," Jon said. I rolled my eyes in frustration. I walk into the kitchen to see Chris and Andrew staring at each other. "Andrew, stop it!" Andrew rolled his eyes. "Stop what?" He asked. "Stop with the empty threats and the mind games. You're lucky Chris doesn't hit you already." Andrew's face dropped. "Chris, can I talk to you for a moment?" Chris walks over to me and we leave. We go to the park and I get on a swing. "Dad brought my plane ticket...I leave in the morning." "Na, MAN NA! I refuse to lose you again!" Chris yelled. I grabbed him. "It won't be like before. I promise." Chris lefts out a shaky breath. He's trying to hold back tears. I hug him, tight, never wanting to let him go again.

Chris POV

She leaving. Damn. I lift her head and looked into her eyes. I could tell she didn't want to go home. I close my eyes as flashbacks flood my head. The tears flowed from my eyes and I didn't even think of wiping them away. I felt Phyllis's thumb on my face wiping away the tears. Then I felt lips on one side of my face, then another side, then my cheek. She was kissing my tears away. I re-open my eyes and I saw her tears. I kissed her face like she did mine. Then I pressed my lips against hers. I put my hands around her waist as she wraps her arms around my neck. We break the kiss but stayed in this position. Phyllis licked my lips and we went at it again, this time with a little more tongue. Then I felt a vibration in my pocket. We stopped kissing and looked down. I took out my phone and it was flashed DAD. I answered, "Sir?" "Where are you guys?" he asked. "At the park. We had to talk. We're heading to the house now." "Ok, son." I hung up the phone, grabs her hands and we walk back to the house. We got to the house, we walked inside. We said our good nights to everyone. Phyllis grabbed DeLeah and we head straight to my room, closed the door, climbed into bed, and we all fell asleep. 

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