Reality Sinks In...

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Phyllis POV

I left the hospital after collecting my mother's belongings. My mother died. I can't believe it. I'm not believing it. I lay my head on Chris's lap as we drove in silence. I closed my eyes as the tears continued to flow from my face. I went to sleep thinking about the good times I had with my mom. Dammit, Mom! What will I do without you?

Chris POV

Damn, she's gone. The closest thing to a mother figure and she's gone. I look down and I see Phyllis sleeping. I grab her hand, squeezed it, leaned my head back, and fell asleep.

James (Chris Father) POV

*Flashback- Minutes Before Lisa's Death*

I took a deep breath as I walked into the room. I heard Lisa cough and I rushed to her side to get her some water. "Here baby." She sipped the water and looked at me. "Hey Love," Lisa replied weakly. "I'm so tired baby." I take her hand in mine and kissed it. "Then, get some rest baby. You've been fighting for a long time." "Baby, you have to tell her." I sighed. I knew that Lisa wanted me to tell Phyllis that she was adopted. "I know Avant isn't going to tell her and if he does, he won't tell her the truth." I looked at her. I realized that this is her dying wish. "Baby..." "James, please?" Lisa looked at me. I grabbed her hand and kissed her. "I will tell her baby." I wiped a tear that rolled down her face. "I love you so much, James." "And I love you, Lisa." I kissed her on her lips one final time before she took her last breath. "Always..."

*End of Flashback*

Silent tears roll down my face as I realized that the love of my life, is gone....

Pearl's POV

I walked in the door of my house to see my mom walking down the stairs with a luggage bag. "Where is she?" my mom asked. I rolled my eyes. "Over Mr. Avent's house." I answered. "She's planning on going to Chicago with her boyfriend..." "Pack your bags, daughter." My mom interrupted me. "We're going to Chicago." "Ok...why?" I asked. "My sister just died today. It's time to pay my family a little visit..."

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