One Month Later...

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James POV 

I was making beats down in the studio when there was a knock on the door. I looked at my clock and it read 10:45 pm. I wasn't expecting anyone this late. I walked up the stairs and to the door. I opened it and it was Phyllis, a sleeping DeLeah, and 4 carry-on suitcases. "Hi Mr. James. I'm sorry for coming without calling." She said with her head down. "We have nowhere else to go." "Nonsense. Come on in." I let her in and she walked towards the living room. She lays DeLeah on the couch and sits down. I grabbed bottled water and gave it to Phyllis and sat across from her on the loveseat. Something told me to sit down for what she had to say, I knew I wasn't going to like it. Phyllis mumbled her thanks, took a deep breath, and began talking.

Phyllis's POV

Flashback-Arriving at the Airport/Friday.

Andrew, DeLeah, and I landed safely in Virginia. We were heading toward the front of the airport when I gave DeLeah a big hug and a kiss. I knew I wasn't gonna see her for a while. I kissed her and watched her and Andrew walk out of the airport before me. I didn't want to risk walking out and my father was picking me up. I walked out to see Jon and Mic pulling up. Silent tears rolled down my face. Jon helped me in the car while Mic placed my things in the trunk. I leaned on Jon's shoulder and just cried as we were heading home. As we pulled up to the house, I saw my clothes everywhere. I hopped out of the car as I saw Dad carrying more things into the front yard. I picked up a piece of a picture and it was me and my mother. I ran into the house and saw my dad with more of my things. " DAD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I asked. "It's Mr. Gordon to you!" He replied coldly. Before I could say a word, he pushed me out of the house, causing me to fall off the pouch. Jon and Mic helped me up. "Since your mother is dead,I don't see any reason to fake it." My face grew pale. "Dad, what are you saying?" Mic asked. "Is she alive?" Mr. Gordon asked me. I stared at him. "ANSWER ME DAMNIT! IS...SHE ALIVE??" I sighed. There is no reason to hide DeLeah from him anymore. "Yes." I answered proudly. He came and slapped me in the face. "Whore." I was taken aback. I knew he would be disappointed but this? "I should have never adopted a white whore!" He answered. "DAD!!!!" Jon and Mic was shocked. "Get your things and get the hell out! AND DONT YOU EVER COME BACK!!" He slammed the door in my face. I sighed as I got up, and packed all my things that were outside as he continued to throw more things out of the yard. As I was gathering up my things, Jon and Mic were yelling at Mr. Gordon. Once everything was picked up, I headed down the road, not looking back at the place I once called home. I walked and walked until I saw a house I recognized. I knocked on the door and Raven answered. I looked down and said, "Can you help me get the rest of my things? I've been kicked out."


A few weeks later, I saved enough money to buy two Greyhound tickets to Chicago. I was moving back home with my daughter. Raven took me to Andrew's house. I went and knocked on the door, and Pearl answered the door. "What do you want?" she answered rudely. "I came to see Andrew. Is he around?" Just when she was about to answer, a loud cry came from the room. "What now, you little brat??" Pearl turned around and walked to the room. I know she wasn't talking to DeLeah! "I WANT MY MOMMY!!" It was DeLeah! "Well, your mommy ain't here so shut up." DeLeah still cried. Pearl slaps her in the face. Blood in my body begins to boil as she slaps her again. I ran over to her and punched the living hell outta her. "DON'T PUT YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON MY DAUGHTER WHORE!!" DeLeah ran to me and hugs me tight! I pick her up and hold her. Just then Andrew walks in. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!" I looked at him with disgust. "Pack up her thing. She's coming with me." "Where's she going?" he asked. "Why does it matter?? You didn't care when you let her beat her, so why care now?" I asked. "Because she's my daughter," Andrew replied. "Never claimed her before. Look I can't do this anymore. Just pack her things, please." Andrew packs like 4 outfits. That's good enough because when we go home, I'm getting her some more clothes. I placed DeLeah in the back of the car and we drove off heading to the Greyhound station never looking back.

End of Flashback.

Tears of hurt roll down my face. I looked up at Mr. Brown and he said nothing. "I went to Mom's house but the house is up for sale. I just don't know what to do." I told him. He gets up and pulls me into a hug, as I cried in his arms. After a few moments, he said, "Go take DeLeah to the room. You're staying here." I only nod and do what I am told. I placed her on the bed and I sat on the floor looking out the window.

Chris POV

I walked in the house as soon as my father got off the phone. He's pissed off so I knew not to deal with him. I was heading towards my room when I seen the light in the guess room on. I walked in there and I seen DeLeah on the bed and Philly on the floor. What the hell are they doing here? I closed the door and headed to the kitchen. I wanted answers. I asked my dad and he told me. Blood in my body began to boil cause no one does that to Philly. She already been through enough. I walked in the guess room and seen Philly still on the floor. I closed the door and sat by Philly. I tapped her on the shoulder and she looked up. Her eyes and face is red. She looks so miserable. She laid her head in my lap and she cries. I rub her shoulders wishing there was more that I can do to ease her pain. 

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