Chapter Four

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Harry kept his word for the most part. In fact, he didn't put his hands on Evan for the next two days. That's not to say he had been leaving him alone completely, no. Harry still shot Evan murderous glares in the hallways and insulted him whenever he could. I was starting to think that Harry had forgotten about me entirely.

I woke up late on Saturday to a text from Harry.

From Harry: Come over

Come over? He told me he got kicked out. Whatever, I'll ask him about it. I normally wouldn't, but I suppose we were past that. Evan and I were planning on going out later, so I hoped I wouldn't be busy with Harry for too long.

"Uh, didn't you get kicked out of here?" I asked him as we walked through the foyer to his living room.

"I come by when no one's home."

"Where have you been staying for the past few days?" I don't even know why I asked him. It didn't really matter to me.

"Just different people's houses." Of course; everyone at school adored him. I'm sure they were all lining up to get him to sleep with them.

We had only been writing for a little while when he suddenly decided that it was time to badmouth my boyfriend.

"Why are you dating that prick?" Despite the aggression in his voice, he said it as if it was a genuine question.

"Does it matter to you?"

He immediately snapped at me. "Of course not. Do you think I give a fuck about him? You're probably perfect for each other anyway."

It made me smile a bit; he was probably right.

"You think so?" I really was curious.

"You're both conceited assholes who don't know how to keep your mouths shut." I was kind of hoping for a better response than that, but then again, it was Harry.

"Why do you hate him so much? He hasn't done anything."

"He associates with you. That's enough of a reason."

"Whatever," I muttered unenthusiastically and returned to writing, occasionally looking up to make sure he was doing the same.

I was quickly getting tired of working and began looking around the room. My eyes landed on the sleek black piano that was positioned in front of the full length windows that overlooked the backyard.

"Do you play?"

He looked up at me, clearly confused. "What?"

I motioned over to the piano.

"Oh. Yeah, I do."

"Will you play something for me?" I really wasn't expecting him to say yes, but I did want to hear him play. Something about the thought of him making music was intriguing.

He raised an eyebrow at me and pursed his lips, but stood up and walked to the piano anyways. I followed him and he sat down and rested his hands on the keys.

"I, um." He cleared his throat, seeming nervous. "I wrote this one."

Harry wrote a song? I almost couldn't believe it. He turned away from me and took a deep breath before he began.

I was absolutely mesmerized as his fingers delicately hit the keys, creating a beautiful echo all around us. The melody was so enchanting that I almost closed my eyes as I got lost in the music. He kept his eyes down as he began singing.

"I don't ever ask you where you've been"

His voice was perfect.

"And I don't feel the need to know who you're with"

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