Chapter Five

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I texted Evan in the morning asking him to come to school early, wanting to be with him alone for a bit before other students started showing up. I got to school at seven-thirty and Evan was already there.

I smiled at him as he walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. I moved back a bit so that I could lean up and kiss him.

"My sister has been asking about you."

He kept his arms around me. "Yeah? What did you tell her?"

"Good things. She wants to meet you. Can you come over today then?"

He grinned at me. "Sure."

I found it strange that I couldn't take my eyes away from Harry at school. I was starting to notice the smallest things about him; the way he took longer strides than everyone he walked with, the way his dark curls teasingly touched only the very tops of his shoulders, the way his pretty pink mouth was shaped like a bow, the way he would run his fingers back through his hair to tame it, the way he always put his right arm over the back of his chair and never his left, the way he nodded as other people were talking to him to show his interest. I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame, finding myself staring whenever I saw him. He never looked back at me, though.

I was leaning back against the lockers waiting for the hallways to clear out so that I could walk freely to lunch. Not that I would have much trouble with other people around, I just enjoyed my space.

I caught Harry standing around with a few girls out of the corner of my eye. They were all over him like he was the greatest thing since Mick Jagger. He did remind me of Mick Jagger in a way. Even from over here, I could hear their flirty high-pitched voices fawning over him. I watched two of them kiss his cheek and the corner of his mouth, leaving a bit of lip gloss on him. It was quite an uncomfortable sight.

I pretended to stare down at my phone while the girls walked past me, giggling about 'how hot Harry Styles is' and how 'they would love to get in his pants.' I never used the word slut, but it was the first thing that came to my mind.

I swung my locker open quickly to put a couple books away and Harry yelped and jumped back, suddenly appearing right next to me.

"Oh shit! Sorry, I didn't know you were there." I was glad I only hit his shoulder; wouldn't want to hurt his pretty face at all.

He stood there watching me for a moment and took a slow breath in through his noise. Why had he come over here anyways?

"Don't worry about it."

He leaned against the locker next to mine and crossed his arms. I did the same, but found that it wasn't very comfortable. My eyes dropped down to the sparkly pink mark on the side of his face.

"You've got lipstick on you." I instinctively reached my hand up to wipe it away, but luckily, stopped myself. He obviously had realized what I was doing, however, and raised his eyebrows. I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but I decided to take my chances.

I cautiously brought my hand back to his face and brushed my thumb across his cheek, getting rid of that awful gloss. I dropped my hand immediately after, feeling a bit awkward and strangely, nervous. The beginning of a smile nearly crept onto his lips, but he appeared to keep it at bay. He otherwise didn't react to the touch.

I thought one of us should say something, but we didn't. We just stood in front of each other alone in the hallway looking aimlessly into each other's eyes. Well, at least that's what I was doing.

Our faces weren't far apart, nearly close enough that I could lean up and kiss him if I wanted.

"You alright?" I felt it was appropriate to ask since he had never approached me in school unless it was to add another bruise to my face or call me offensive slurs.

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