From Harry: Busy?
A wide grin spread over my face as I looked down at the message, probably making a fool of myself, but I didn't mind.
To Harry: Not at all
From Harry: Good. Get ready so I can pick you up :)
I didn't even care where he was planning on taking me; I was just excited to see him. Well, not that I hadn't seen him today, but it didn't count if it was only for a minute or two. It was almost nine on Friday night and I'd only managed to kiss him once so far today behind the lockers during third period. Pretty cliché-high-school-romance-love-story-movie-trope if you ask me. I loved it.
I excitedly strolled around the house, fixing my hair in the mirror far more times than was necessary while waiting for Harry to show up. I hollered a goodbye down the stairs to my mum and practically skipped out to Harry's car.
Harry slipped his hand under my jaw and leaned in to kiss me before I could even say anything.
"Where are we going, love?" Out of the corner of my eye I could see that the backseat of the car was down and covered in blankets and pillows. I hoped I wasn't visibly blushing at the sight. The couple bags of crisps strewn about distracted me from my initial shock. "You often eat while you have sex?"
"Gotta stay energized, yeah?" Harry chuckled lightly. "No, no it's not that. I mean, unless you want to." He winked at me. "We're going to the drive-in."
I smiled at him and leaned over the glovebox to kiss his cheek. I thought of asking him what movie it was, but it didn't really matter. Let's be honest, no one goes to the drive-in theater to actually watch the movies. We drove in relative silence, but he kept his hand on my thigh.
I slipped off my vans, a dark red color edging on purple, and crawled into the back, patiently waiting for Harry to join me. Once he had finished parking the car, he positioned himself next to me and opened his arms. I leaned into him, maybe a bit too eagerly, and smiled into his chest, burying my face into his jacket when he cuddled me into him.
He took his time brushing my caramel fringe away from my eyes, tucking it behind my ear, sliding his hand back through it, shuffling his fingers through the feathery locks. I closed my eyes, thoroughly enjoying every touch as if I was a dog getting pet.
I let my eyelashes flutter when I opened my eyes quickly before nuzzling my face into his neck. He sighed softly and barred both of his arms behind my back, holding me comfortably against his body.
Once I had marked him with more than enough love bites, I swung one leg over his, straddling his lap. He adoringly gazed up at me with eyes full of child-like wonder, like I was the only person that mattered in his whole world. His hands felt warm against my skin, his slender fingers nearly touching with his loose hold around my waist. My chest was tingling with contentment from our closeness. He ran his hands up and down the length of my torso, sometimes lifting the hem of my shirt up to tease his thumbs along the bare skin.
I closed my eyes again and let him have complete control, yet I never felt dominated or unsafe. Harry nudged my chin upwards with his nose, creating room for him to kiss my neck. He pressed gentle, meaningful kisses from the uppermost part of my collarbone all the way up to the curve of my jawline.
I was smiling up at the dark ceiling as my insides were churning in an amazing way and making my entire body feel warm and tingling. I let my hands rest on his broad shoulders.

Honey Rain
FanfictionLouis Tomlinson hates Harry Styles. Why wouldn't he? After years of being abused by him, you would start to hate him, too. Louis was the only openly gay boy at a homophobic school, which earned him beatings and maltreatment daily, the majority of it...