Chapter Eight

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It was later in the week, Thursday, when I went over to Evan's house; I felt a bit guilty for not spending time with my boyfriend. As soon as he opened the door, he took my hand and led me to his room. He looked incredibly anxious as I sat down on his bed and stood in front of me with his hands clasped like he was giving a sales pitch. I watched him nervously fidget with his fingers for a few moments.

He took a deep breath in. "We need to break up."

"What! Why?" I could feel my eyes prick with tears that were more of shock than anything. Evan wanted to break up with me? But things were nearly perfect between us!

"Oh, Louis." He gave me a sad smile and took my hand. "You can't love me."

I could. He just needed to give me time. "Evan, please. What do you mean I can't?" My voice wavered, knowing that he was right.

"You're in love with him."

I know. He didn't even say his name, but I know.

"You... you don't know what you're saying." My face was damp with tears now and I stood up to walk closer to him. "We can work this out, babe."

I don't even know why I said that. He was right, and I knew it.

"Louis." He wrapped his arms around me. "You love someone else. You can't be with me."

I could tell he was crying, too, as I pressed my face into his chest. He hugged me and rocked me gently for a few minutes until he finally pulled away. My eyes were a bit sore from crying.

"Remember a few weeks ago when I had that fight with him?"

The memory was suddenly brought to the front of my mind and I nodded.

"Did Harry ever tell you what he said to me that day?"

He waited patiently until I responded no, taking his time before he began his next sentence. "He said that I don't deserve you, and that you'd be better off with him."

I started to object, but Evan cut me off. "Don't deny it, Louis, you both want each other and it's fine, really, it's okay. You love him."

Evan put his hands on the sides of my face and kissed my forehead. "He loves you, too, you know. I think he has for a long time."

I felt absolutely terrible right then. Evan was letting me go even though he loved me; because I could never love anyone else.

"I'm sorry."

He sighed and hugged me again. "It's not your fault." He looked me over, his eyes bright red.

Evan walked with me to the front door and pulled me into his arms again, tighter this time because it was the last. My vision was a bit blurry with tears as he spoke to me.

"I hope it works out with him."

"Thank you." I leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, and that was it.

I must've sat in my car with my head on the steering wheel for twenty minutes thinking about what I could do. I'm in love with Harry, there's no denying it. So, so, so in love with him. How could I even tell him that? I still didn't have a plan as I pulled up in front of my house, knowing that the boy I love was likely sitting inside waiting for me to come home.

Harry was chatting to Lottie in the kitchen when I walked inside. I went straight to my room to avoid them seeing me crying, but Harry noticed immediately and followed me upstairs.

"Louis, what's wrong?" He sat down next to me on my bed with a concerned look in his eye.

My voice was no more than a whisper and I stared down at my hands. "He broke up with me."

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