Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up to the creak of my door opening and lazily pulled the comforter farther over me and Harry. Neither one of us had bothered to get dressed after last nights activities. It was still pitch black outside.

"Wake up, Louis! Santa came last night!" Both Daisy and Phoebe were standing at the edge of my bed and excitedly looking up at me. Why did little kids feel the need to get up before the sun? They woke me up early every year, and every year, I gave in and walked downstairs with them at five in the morning.

"Okay, can you give me a few minutes? I'll join you as soon as I can."

The eagerly nodded and giggled before running out of the room together.

"Shut the door please, Pheebs."

She did and I closed my eyes again. I was going to get up, but I was so comfortable in Harry's arms. He had half of his beautiful body on top of mine, and I didn't want to move him.

Surprisingly, he hadn't woken up from the noise. I gave a kiss to the top of his head once before gently pushing him off of me.

I winced when I stood up, but was only in pain for about a second.

I got dressed, feeling sluggish and not very well-rested. I'm sure I would feel better in a few minutes, but right now my bed was looking rather inviting. I walked back over to Harry and kissed his cheek before leaving the room, closing the door quietly behind me.

I was suddenly grateful for being awake early, because then I would be up when Fizzy arrived. She said she'd be here in the morning, but didn't specify when.

As soon as I got to the living room, Daisy ran back upstairs. I assumed it was to wake my mum up. No one ever dared to wake Lottie up early; she was too grumpy in the mornings.

I suppose she didn't want to get up yet, (and reasonably so) because Daisy was frowning when she returned.

"Mum won't get up."

I sighed and flopped down on the couch. She crawled onto my lap and Phoebe leaned into my side. "We just have to wait then. Fiz'll be home soon, are you excited to see her?"

"Yeah! I miss her, I don't know why she's gone so much."

Phoebe seemed to have fallen asleep; well, she shouldn't have gotten up at five in the morning.

"She's off at school, Daisy. You know that, right?"

Daisy nodded. "I just wish she was home more."

I did too. Daisy swung her legs off of me and walked over to the window. It was dark, but I could tell it was snowing. She pressed her tiny hands against the glass and watched for a while.

I was going to get up and watch the snow with her, but Phoebe was asleep under my arm and I would surely wake her if I moved.

Daisy turned around eventually. "Where's Harry?"

The girls both liked Harry an awful lot. I suppose it was like he was their older brother too.

"He's sleeping still."

She looked up to the stairs and then back to me. "Well, he should get up. Can I wake him up?"

I wanted to let Harry sleep for as long as he pleased, being such a cute sleeper as it is, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind being woken up by Daisy. He liked my sisters just as much as they liked him.

"I guess you can."

She grinned and ran upstairs loudly, waking Phoebe up. We sat in silence for a while and she had her eyes glued to the colored Christmas lights covering the tree.

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