Giving Up The Last Muffin

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Ellen was bored out of her mind. Her parents were out of town, on business. It was just her, and her little sister, Angela. She was an annoying brat, at times, and always liked to give Ellen a hard time.

It wasn't until, Ellen spotted an apple cinnamon muffin in the kitchen. There was only one muffin left, and Angela got it. She couldn't let her eat it. She got up from the sofa, and stopped her.

"Drop that muffin, brat!" she demanded. "I never had a chance to eat any of the muffins, that Mom baked!"

"You're too late, big sister!" mocked Angela. "I was here first, and this muffin is mine!"

"Don't you dare, take a bite of it!" warned Ellen. "Give up the muffin!"

"And, if I don't?" asked Angela, a devilish smirk, plastered on her eight year old, face.

"I may have to tickle you!" said Ellen, in a sly tone. "Beware the tickle monster!"

"Oh no, not the tickle monster!" gasped Angela. She put the muffin down, and ran away from Ellen. She chased her through out the house, upstairs to her room, and tackled her on her bed.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle!" sang Ellen, tickling Angela's stomach.

"Not my tickle spot!" giggled Angela. "Please stop, big sister!"

"Do you give up the muffin?"

"Yes, please cease your tickling at once, big sister!"

Ellen stopped tickling her 8 year old sister, and went back downstairs, and ate the last muffin. It left a sweet sensation in her mouth, with the apple cinnamon goodness.

It was official. Ellen won the apple cinnamon muffin battle.

This story was written on Friday, January 1st, 2021. (New Year's Day)

A/N Nothing like a sibling rivalry, for an apple cinnamon muffin! But the tickling scene, melted my heart, as Angela is such a cutie pie! She may be an annoying brat to Ellen, but she is still her little sister! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks, and Happy New Year!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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