Chores Always Come First

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Bridget was planning on going to her friend's house. It was a mild Saturday, with temperatures in the 50s. She put on her blue Adidas sandals, with her dark blue jeans. "Later, Mom, I'm off to Rita's house!" she said, getting her car keys.

"Where do you think you're going?" demanded her mother, with her arms folded.

"I already told you, my friend's house!" scoffed Bridget.

"Not until you wash those dishes!" said her mother. "You know how things run in this household!"

"I'll do it, when I get back!" protested Bridget. "Bye!"

"The dishes need to be washed now!" her mother said, sternly. "Either you do what I say, or, I'm taking away your phone! You got it?"

"Yes, Mom," sighed Bridget.

"Now, get busy!" Her mother left her to do the dishes, so she could watch a movie on Lifetime. Bridget was rolling her eyes, and washed the dishes.

"Make sure to use a lot of elbow grease!" said her mother.

"I know!" said Bridget. "I'm almost 18! I can't wait to get my own place!"

This story was written on Friday, January 1st, 2021. (New Year's Day)

A/N Remember, Bridget, chores always come first! Treat your mother with respect! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks, and Happy New Year! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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