Fishing Time

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Samantha was going fishing. She had on her black, rubber boots, over her dark blue jeans. She had cheese for bait, as worms creeped her out. She went to the lake, with her fishing equipment. It was a beautiful morning, with sunshine, and hardly a cloud in the sky.

"Let's see if the fish are biting this morning!" she said. Samantha waited for some fish. She was eager to catch a lot of fish.

Samantha got a bite, at last. She tried to reel in her catch. The fish tried ever so hard to escape, but it was no use. He was bait for sure. She caught a big fish. "Wow, just amazing!" whistled Samantha. "This is like the biggest fish, I ever caught in my life!"

Samantha was happy with her catch of the day. "I hit the jackpot!" she exclaimed.

This story was written on Sunday, January 17th, 2021.

A/N Samantha is a lucky lady!! She caught a big bass! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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