You Best Watch Your Tongue Girl

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Julia: *blowing bubble gum*

Mrs. Thompson: Spit out that gum!

Julia: Chill woman! I'll spit it out in 10 minutes!

Mrs. Thompson: Do what I say, or I'll write you up!

Julia: Okay, you don't have to give me an attitude! *spits out her gum*

Mrs. Thompson: You're the one with the the attitude, not me!

Julia: I bet your husband is cheating on you, with another woman! *smirks*

Class: Ooh!

Mrs. Thompson: That's it!!! Get out of my class! I'm writing you up!! *gets an office referral out of her desk*

Julia: I ain't going to the principal's office! I'm leaving! I'm going to the mall! Peace! *storms out and slams the door*

Mrs. Thompson: I'm calling a hall monitor! She's not leaving school grounds! *quickly calls a hall monitor*

Richard: She better get her out butt out of here, if she wants to get to the mall!

Mrs. Thompson: You're not helping, Richard! Be quiet!

This story was written on Monday, January 4th, 2021.

A/N Typical teen attitude! Julia better check herself, before she wrecks herself! Otherwise, she'll end up at boot camp! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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