Forgetfulness Hates Onions

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Chef: F, I want you to peel these onions!

Forgetfulness: What, why?

Chef: Just do it!

Forgetfulness: Okay, sorry. *starts peeling the onions, and he starts to cry*  I hate this! It's irritating my eyes!

Chef: If you want to be a part of the culinary field, you must peel onions!

Forgetfulness: Could you at least have me cut tomatoes, instead?

Chef: No! Peel the rest of those onions!

Forgetfulness: Aw, come on!

Chef: No whining! It makes you sound weak!

This story was written on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021.

A/N F, just peel the onions! You'll get used to it! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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