Closet Is A Mess

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Lake247: *opens her closet and it is messy* Jeez! Never knew my closet was that messy!

Me: Better clean it, then!

Lake247: I would, if I had the time. *closes her closet* I have company coming over soon, so.

Me: Okay. Does your mom know your closet is a mess?

Lake247: No, and don't you dare tell her!

Me: Okay, I won't tell her!

Lake247: Scout's honor?

Me: Yeah, scout's honor.

Lake247: Good! If you tell her, I'll be very mad!

Me: Yes, Ma'am!

Lake247: I can trust you.

This story was written on Tuesday, January 26th, 2021.

A/N Her closet is a mess, no doubt, and she doesn't want me to tell her mom, or she'll get mad at me! I'll keep my mouth shut! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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