Take What You Need! Joke!

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Steven: Brian?

Brian: What?

Steven: Can you loan me some money?

Brian: Money? For what?

Steven: So, I can buy a guitar.

Brian: How much does it cost?

Steven: Roughly, $58.00.

Brian: Why didn't you say you needed money? Take what you need, buddy! *opens his wallet and there is only 10 bucks*

Steven: You only have 10 bucks!

Brian: Exactly, now get lost!

Steven: *leaves*

ThatCoolFriend: *giggles* I'm sorry! That's just too hilarious!!

This story was written on Sunday, February 7th, 2021. (Super Bowl Sunday)

A/N Ha ha ha! If Steven thinks for one minute, that Brian is gonna loan him money for a guitar, he's got another thing coming! 😂😂😂😂 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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